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You didn't collect the buttons anymore. On the same night, when I got back from training, I turned on the light and I saw you were not here any more.

I took a deep breath. Your fruity perfume smell still in the room. I bought this perfume for you for your eighteenth birthday.

I walked into the empty room. It's not empty at all actually as my stuffs are still here yet yours are all gone. Without you, I felt empty. Your existence makes everything different.

Sitting on your bed, I slowly lied down and recall how we used to talk to each other. I will be like stretching my neck long out from my bed frame to just talk to you.

Your pillow is with your CLEAR shampoo smell. You suggested this hair shampoo to me as you said using it can show manliness in you. That is when we're fourteen.

Then, I sat up and saw the photo frame. It was facing down. I put it up. This picture we took it before we came Seoul to study.

I scan through everywhere as if I can find a bit of your hair or your dusts left in the room. Then, I realize something in the trash can. Something very familiar. I walked closer.

It's your box of my button collections.

Is this mean the end of our friendship?

I picked up the box and cried silently in the room.

Wonwoo ah, I didn't accept her because I don't want to hurt you.

I love her too but I rejected her.

I put you over her.

I took a wet cloth to clean the box and put it beside my pillow.

I cried to sleep.

From today onwards, this bed is only empty for you. I will wait for you to come back. Jeon Won Woo, where are you? Can we talk and solve it?

I don't want to end this precious friendship that I really cherished.

Won woo ah... or you don't like me call you by your name?

Won Woo Hyung, please. I am very sorry. Come back please.


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