Chapter Thirty-three: The Initiation Party

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~Russell's POV~

It didn't take long for Dax to set up a vacation for the whole pack plus some of the Witches from Irelia's coven. He wanted to make his, Charlie's, Dante's, and Accalia's official initiation into the pack something special to remember.

Now only a few weeks after the council visit, we are all standing on some hidden beach, somewhere along the coast of California that Dax had found and deemed perfect for the occasion.

'We gather here today to officially bring four fantastic new members into Windfall. Dax Rayne, as future Luna, Dante Sorrel, Accalia Sorrel, and Charlie Vandall,' my dad Jack Rayne announces while we all watch in Wolf form.

'Howl for Dax,' he says as he throws his head back and howls at the night sky above us. All two hundred and thirty-eight pack members howl for him along with Accalia Dante and Charlie. Since Dax and Charlie are already part of the pack, their official initiation is the whole pack howling.

Once the howl is done, Dax hops over trying to keep the pressure off his right paw, and stands by me as Charlie walks up to stand by my dad.

'Howl for Charlie.' Everyone howls then Charlie walks back over to Jess and stands by her. Dad then nods with his head for Dante to stand where Charlie and Dax stood. Dante complies then Dad faces him.

Dad puts his forehead to Dante's then speaks, 'Dante, I, Alpha Jack Rayne, hereby welcome you to the Windfall pack! Everyone howl.' We obey as we feel Dante become connected to the pack link. His red rogue eyes change a little, leaving one red and the other his normal eye color. One eye stays red as a reminder that he was once a rogue.

Dante walks back to where he is standing before then dad calls up Accalia repeating his previous actions. 'Accalia, I, Alpha Jack Rayne, hereby welcome you to the Windfall pack! Everyone howl.' We do as we feel Accalia connect to the pack link.

'Now back to our party planner, and future Luna, Dax,' he says with a laugh.

'Alright,' Dax says as he shifts into his human form completely nude then walks over to where a music station with speakers has been set up. "Lets fucking party!" He yells out loud as he presses play, making a song with lots of bass start to play.

Dax runs over to me then hugs me to him. "I am so happy, Russell, you have no idea," he says then kisses me. "I love you so fucking much."

"Hey, you aren't breaking your own rule now are you? Remember, no sex on the beach in front of the tiny kids?" Accalia says as she and Dante walk up to us. Dante just chuckles at his mate. Dax turns and smiles at her.

"How does it feel? Being part of Windfall now?" He asks dreamily. If I didn't know one hundred percent that human drugs can't affect us, I would be sure that he's on something.

"It honestly feels good. This pack is so friendly and welcoming," she replies.

"Right the ones who disapprove of me make a point to stay away so there's been no issues..." Dax says trailing off just as a familiar song starts playing that I am sure he had played in the car at some point. The song is called "Turn The Music Up" by NF. Immediately, he and Accalia start singing to it. Dante and I look at each other then chuckle.

"This doesn't surprise me," Dante says with a loving smile directed at Accalia. I nod and watch Dax sing.

'Hey, Allan,' begins a pack member named Ryan through the link. 'You hear anything about that group of rogue Empire agents?'

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