Chapter Thirty-two: The Wolf Shifter Council

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~Daxera's POV~

I slowly wake up to something warm and lovely next to me. I moan contently and snuggle closer to the warm thing, telling it no and that it is mine when it moves a little. It turns around and drapes its heavy arm over me as I feel its warm hot breath in my hair.

Filling up on its scent of pine and desert sage, I shoot up into a sitting position recognizing Russell's scent. I turn to look at him and see he is watching me, looking a little stunned himself.

"Finally awake I see," he says taking on a sleepy smile. I lay back down and snuggle into him.

"How long have I been out for this time?" I ask.

"Six days," he says nonchalantly.

"Six days!" I exclaim, "What happened while I was out?" I ask sitting up, but using my right hand, causes pain that starts in my wrist and shoots all around it many times, then up my arm too.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow, fuck, that hurts," I say, looking at it, holding it in my left hand.

"You were stabbed in the wrist by Clovis' silver sword," he tells me, making the memory pop into my mind.

"Mm right, what happened after the explosion, I can't help but notice we're both alive," I say, not letting myself believe we've won just yet.

"Well, when you set off your firebomb, your shield dissipated after the explosion was over and I thought something happened to you. Flames licked out catching some buildings on fire including the main packhouse with the throne room. No one moved while your fire was raging. Everyone wanted to know what the outcome of the fight was, but then your purple and black fire was suddenly gone leaving whatever it caught on fire to burn with normal fire.

"When I saw you laying on the ground, I jumped down with Emma and made my way to you then Lauren came up and told me that you were fine, you were just resting from releasing the firebomb. We waited two days in order to heal everyone who needed to be healed then, as I'm sure you've not noticed, we came back home to Windfall," Russell says as I look around our familiar room.

"Irelia set up wards on the portal that only allow you and myself to go through whenever we want unless we give permission to another Wolf for whatever reason. Other than that, pack life has returned to normal for everyone and has been kinda quiet," he concludes and I nod, feeling happy everyone is safe.

Just then, I remember something important.

"How did you give me that extra bit of energy?" I ask him, dying to know.

"I just followed my instincts, I could feel you in need of more, and my body responded to that," he tells me with a shrug.

"I became a Wolf Shifter when we mated, did you become a Witch?" I ask him.

"It's possible, but we have other things to worry about first," he tells me. I nod, knowing my last question.

"What exactly happened to Clovis?"

"It seems that your fire took care of everything," he tells me.

"His 'pack,' mates?" I ask using air quotes.

"Most of the actual rogues he had with him were either killed or ran off, while the non-rogues he had with him ended up joining us. Dad had a massive headache that day bringing thirty-eight Wolves into the pack," he explains.

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