Chapter Thirty-two: The Wolf Shifter Council

Start from the beginning

"So... we can have relaxation time now?" Russell thinks about it for a second then nods. Feeling relieved, I smile and give him a quick half-hug just using my left arm.

"Sweet, I can get to work on that beach vacation we talked about," I pause for a second, "it feels like we had that conversation a long time ago," I say slowly.

"Yeah, it does. Anyway, while you are doing that, try not to go overboard," he says with a chuckle. Suddenly my stomach growls loudly, causing Russ to laugh. "Looks like we need to get some food in you." I nod and push the blankets off of us with my left hand, then stand next to the bed. I smell myself then cringe.

"You know what, I'ma shower first then get food," I say as I walk into the bathroom. As I turn the shower on, Russ comes up to me from behind and wraps his arms around me.

"Mind if I join you?" He asks huskily. I growl in response then turn around in his arms and kiss him.

After our shower, we walk down to the kitchen where we see Terra cooking food.

Oh yeah, Russell's mom.

I stop and glare at Russell.

"By the way, why have I not heard you talk about your mom at all throughout all of this?" I ask him pointedly. He gives me a sheepish look as he rubs the back of his neck.

"We were pretty busy, plus, it's hard to explain her," he says as he looks at Terra as she looks at us.

"I made you both food and Dax, I am glad you are finally awake," she says with a smile. I return the smile as I sit at the table where she places our food.

"Thank you, Luna," I reply.

"Oh, don't be so formal, call me Terra," she says with a smile. I nod as I take a bite of her food. My eyes go wide then Russ says 'uh oh,' because he knows what is coming, which causes Terra to look at me funny.

"So you are the one who taught Russ how to cook! My goddess this is delicious," I say then begin to stuff my face. Terra just laughs at me then begins to clean up the dirty dishes she made while cooking.

Just as we are getting done with our food, Russell's dad, Jack, walks into the kitchen.

"Russell, Dax," he nods at us. "Some Elders from The Wolf Council are here to see you guys." Russ and I look at each other.

"They want to see us now?" He asks.

"Yes, they are in the meeting room across from my office. I already have Dante waiting up there for you as well," Jack says as he turns and walks away.

My heart begins beating fast in my chest, feeling nervous about having to meet the Wolf elders.

"Well, let's go I guess," Russ says. I nod then get up as he does and follow him up to the meeting room. As we reach the door, I take a sniff of the air and recognize only Alistar and Dantes scents. We step into the room and close the door behind us.

The room is huge and rectangular in shape while it has an oval table sitting in the middle of the room. It looks just as beautiful as the rest of the house except this room is free of scratches and dents from any Wolf fights.

"Glad to see that you are well, Dax," Alistar says with a friendly smile. Dante nods in agreement with him.

"Thanks, I can't believe I slept for six days," I say with a nervous chuckle.

One of the Elders clears their throat and I raise an eyebrow. "I am Elder Kevin, this, as you already know, to my left, is Elder Alistar, to my right is Elder Dakota, and to her right is Elder Avery." They all are wearing the same navy blue suits and same black ties except for Dakota who is wearing a navy blue suit with the lower half being a long skirt and no tie.

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