Moment of weakness

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Ezra's P.O.V

I woke up, knowing that I was finally done with this. I needed to see her, feel her, hear her.

This was the first morning where I haven't Irished up my coffee, and instead had a clear picture in my head. I was travelling back to Rosewood, back to my old apartment which I never sold. It was for emergencies likes this, last minute trips up to Rosewood, it was only used for occasional conferences.

I got on the first plane out and arrived in Rosewood just after lunch, hoping she was still here. My apartment was extremely dusty, and relatively clean. It looked the same really.

As I searched up Aria Montgomery on my tablet, it came up with a photo of her still looking as gorgeous as ever, in a graduation photo at Hollis collage. It was dated 2 years ago. I can't believe I missed that. 3 years ago now since I've seen her, if you don't count my dreams and constant vision of her in my mind. And no, she's not always naked.

The next photo was dated a couple months ago, and it was taken in Rosewood, meaning she has to be here still.

My phone started to ring and I picked up, seeing it was Hardy. "Hello?" I was confused as to why he was calling me.

"Dude, you didn't tell me you were back in town! I saw your car out front, that old piece of junk you're still driving." Hardy sounded happy, something I desperately wanted to be again. And there popped Aria into my head.

"Yeah I just came here for a while, uh, what's up?" I asked, feeling cheerier. Talking to a familiar voice can be so easy.

"I'm just wondering why your in town, it's been 3 years now. Lets go get a beer tomorrow night and catch up, I'll tell you about this total bombshell I just started dating."

I smirked at this, knowing she was probably getting totally led on. Hardy the playboy.


Arias P.O.V

I was sitting alone in the Brew, tucked away in the corner, hiding from anybody I knew as I nursed my coffee. I had just left the office, even though it was pointless going in in the first place. I could write from home anyway, I don't understand why I had to go into work to write when I have a laptop at home.

I picked up my phone, seeing that Hayley was calling me, my best friend from college. "Go." Trust me, a "hello", isn't necessary. You'll see.

"Okay so I met this guy, he's so amazing, I met him at this coffee shop over on Tang Road, you know that one? The really cute one with the awesome choc chip cookies. So bad, I know, but god they are good. He bought me one last week when I met him, we've seen each other almost every day this past week. God he's so handsome. He's really good in bed ohm-"

I stopped listening, and not because I was used to this or anything - I totally was - but I saw something across the room that caught my eye. Leaving the room I could almost swear was Ezra Fitz himself in the flesh. I could only see the back of his head but I could tell by his posture, that was seriously Ezra Fitz in Rosewood.

"I'll call you back Hayl." I said quickly, ending the phone call before she could get in a few more words. You see why I said "go" instead of greeting her with "hello" now?

I quickly grabbed my things and ran out, knowing how crazy this was. As I got out I had no idea which way he went, I searched both ways only to see the top if his head at the end of the street turning a corner. I ran towards him, my bag flying behind me, and my hair whipping against my neck as I turned the corner. He was crossing the road, so I tried to get a good look if it was him or not, but I still couldn't tell. Didn't he move to California?

I found myself in front of Ezra's old building, almost confirming my sighting of him. Did I want to see him? He broke my heart all those years ago, and if he is here why hasn't he come to see me yet? Doesn't that mean he's over me?

I decided to take the risk, to giddy to even believe this. I had so many emotions right now, I was angry and worried at the same time too. There's been so much since he left to talk about together. I need answers, pronto.

Just as I was at the top of the stairs, Ezra appeared, looking surprised to see me. He almost dropped the box he was holding in his hand. His face turned from surprise into a smile, melting my insides.

I noticed what he was holding now, the box was actually a chocolate cake with pink frosting, and in his other hand he was holding a tub of frozen strawberry yoghurt, possibly my two favourite guilty pleasures of all time. I can remember eating the same cake with Ezra, him kissing me tenderly to get the cream off of my lip.

"Hi." I breathed, getting sucked into his piercing blue eyes again.

"Hi." Ezra said back, equally as stunned.

I smiled back at him, even though I knew I shouldn't. He broke my heart, stay strong Aria for gods sake don't give in to those gorgeous eyes, and that handsome face, and sexy body...

" you want to come inside?" Ezra asked, braking the sexual tension. He grinned, looking me over, as if he couldn't believe I was here.

I followed him inside, feeling the happiest I've felt in a long time. Just seeing his face made my heart sore.

"I was just going to see you, I uh, bought these for you." Ezra said slowly, not really thinking about his words I guess. I noticed he'd recently shaved and smelled really good, he'd used my favourite cologne of his too. He put the cake and frozen yoghurt on the bench in front of me and touched my hand momentarily, making my whole arm tingle.

"Is this even real?" I asked aloud, searching into his eyes for a hint of something off. Had I passed out from listening to Hayley on the phone, and I was really just on the floor of the Brew right now, dreaming this whole scenario?

"I'm asking myself the same question." Ezra said, shaking his head and grinning.

"I didn't think seeing you again would make me feel..." I trailed off, not finding the right words yet.

"Whole again." Ezra finished for me, explaining it perfectly.

"Yeah, that." I could feel the stages of my flirtation coming through unconsciously. The slight push of my chest out, the fluttering eyelashes, the tilt of my head. It was so wrong.

We stood in silence, starring at each other with desire. I saw him look at my lips and breasts more than once before he edged closer to me and hesitantly wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me into him.

I could swear, as his lips met mine, it felt like the whole universe was switching course. Our kisses got hungrier and more passionate with every second, our hands all over each other. He picked me up as I wrapped my legs around him, and carried me to the bed whilst still kissing me deeply. He threw me down onto the bed roughly and climbed on top of me as I began to unbutton his shirt.

It felt so good to be with him like this again, just touching each other's bodies and pressing ourselves up against each other like we couldn't get closer.

We took each others clothes off and threw them far away from the bed, as I flipped him over and started to grind on him. I almost forgot how incredible it was to be with Ezra like this. How warm his hands were against my skin, and the way his lips make me feel on my body. That was only the tip of the iceberg though, there were so many things to relive.

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