Chapter 25 Things Are Getting Worse

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"LEAVE ME ALONE!" I scream at Damien as I try to make my way to p.e. "Not until you tell me where you've been hiding!" He yells at me. "I already told you! I'm not hiding! I'm staying with family! That's perfectly legal!" I shout before shoving him down and running to the gym. I could see Frank and Ray outside talking. "Guys!" Before I could get inside, something hard hits the back of my head and I pass out.

I was out for what felt like hours. When I came to, everything was dark and I couldn't move. "Uh..." I groan. Where am I? "Holy shit! About time! I thought you'd never wake up!" I hear Damien's whiny voice shriek. Suddenly, I'm able to see. I'm in a trashed room. The wallpaper was chipping off. The windows were boarded up. And I was tied to a chair, with Damien standing in front of me.

Now I know that I was wearing a blindfold. And... Damien. The little fucker kidnapped me?!! "Why are doing this?!" I say just above a whisper. He glared at me and slapped me, making me yelp. "I'll be asking the questions!" I bit my lip and held back tears. He grabbed my hair and forced me to look up at him. "You're insane! Even your dad would arrest you for this!"

He just chuckled. "What my dad doesn't know won't hurt him!" He grips my hair tighter and I wince. "I'll ask you again... Where. Have. You. Been. Hiding!" He demands. I growl and headbutt him. He yelped and stumbled back. "That's it! I didn't want to have to do this!" He yelled and got out a large knife from a dresser. "Well... actually I did!" My eyes widen and I screamed when I dragged the blade down my face.

Okay, I know this is a short chapter. But hey, at least I'm updating this book like crazy, right?

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