Chapter 15 Back To School

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I woke up the next morning with a massive headache. I was laying on my bedroom floor next to Frank. "Hey!" I said, shoving him. "Wake the fuck up!" I yelled, punching him. Frank wouldn't budge. Guess he's out like a rock. I noticed we were both okay g on the floor I my bedroom.

"The fuck happened?" I asked, scratching my head, my hair now greasy. I stood up and my head began pounding. I groaned and went upstairs. Bob, Ray, and Mikey were still in the living room. Mikey was passed out on top of the entertainment center, Ray was passed out on the couch, and Bob was passed out on the stairs.

I laughed and shook my head. "You fucking idiots!" I laughed. I walked into the kitchen and poured myself a glass of water. I don't even remember coming home. I remember going to the bar with Misty and the guys and then getting smashed. I tried hard to remember but that just made my headache worse.

I walked back into the living room and pushed Ray off the couch and sat down. I turned the TV on and clicked through the channels until I found some cheesy horror movie. The boys and I spent the rest of our weekend hungover.

Time skip to Monday

After Grandma dropped me off, I enter my school to see the same thing as I usually see. Students being rowdy, throwing things, and harassing other students. I hadn't really seen Gerard all weekend, not since what happened at the bar. I shuddered at the memory.

As I make my way upstairs to my locker, someone shouts my name. "MISTY!" I turn to my left and see Jenna running up to me. "Jenna! You're ok!" I shout. She had a few small scabs and bruises on her face. "Yeah. I'm alright. What about you? I heard Kevin and Austin chased you till you were in the delinquent's territory."

She replied. I sighed and leaned up against the wall. "Yeah, they did. But I made it out alright." I told her. Her eyes and mouth hung wide open. "Y-you didn't get hurt? Were the delinquents just not there and you got lucky that time?" She asked. I laughed and shook my head. "No Jenna!

They were they. Gerard said that since I was new he let me go. I just have to stay out from the bleachers from now on." I explained. Jenna stared in disbelief. "Holy shit!" She breathed. "YOU!" A voice screeched. It was was Samantha. Fuck! She's back too?! "You little freaks got me suspended!"

She yelled. Jenna tensed up and looked down. "You deserved it for what you did to my friend!" I yelled back, standing in front of Jenna. I don't know where this sudden confidence came from. "YOUR SHIT FACED SLUT BAG FRIEND HAD WHAT WAS COMING TO HER FOR GETTING IN MY WAY!"

She screamed. "YOU HAD NO RIGHT TO EVEN DO THAT!" I screamed back. "YOU WANNA BET BITCH?!" She screamed before punching me right in the face. I don't know why but I pounced on on her and clawed at her face. What am I doing?! Samantha was slapping and pulling my hair.

I was clawing her face and pulling her hair too. This isn't right! Stop! I glance over at Jenna to see her trembling. "Your turn to run!" I yelled. Samantha punched me in the jaw, making a loud crack noise and that's when Jenna ran for it. I growled and got back up and tacked her down.

We both tumbled down the stairs while yanking at each other's hair. We landed with her on top of me. I punched her in her stomach, making sure I got her right in her belly button piercing. She screamed and wrapped her fist in my hair and straddled my waist. She threw multiple punches at my face.

I tried fighting back but she kept going. Finally I grabbed her arm and dug my nails in and scratched up her arm, which caused her to bleed. "FUUUUCK!" She screamed. She held her arm with the one that was yanking my hair and I took the opportunity to grab her neck and flip us over.

I banged her head on the floor a few times and tightened my grip around her neck. Misty! This is insane! You're gonna suffocate her! I finally decided to listen to my thoughts and stopped what I was doing. Samantha gasped for air and made no attempt to hit me anymore. I stood up off of her and offered her my hand.

She growled and smacked my hand away and stood up on her own. "You are a psycho!" She screeched, tears going down her face. "I'm sorry!" I tried to say but she just scoffed and walked away. Peaking out from the corner was Ray with his phone out. "Were just recording that?!" I asked.

He smirked and lowered his phone. "Fuck yeah! That was badass what you just did! I'm sending this to Gerard!" He beamed. Great... just what I needed... for him to find out. I knew there was no talking Ray out of it and I didn't want to try. I just walked passed him and into the bathroom.

I looked in the mirror and my face was all bloody. I quickly washed my face and fixed my hair. My face was still swollen but at least I looked better. I walked out and went to home room class. Jenna was sitting at a desk by herself so I sat next to her. "Misty, your face is all swollen! What happened?"

She asked in a worried tone. I shook my head. "We fought for a bit. I'm alright. Ray Toro was recording the entire time!" I said. I sighed and plopped my head on the desk. "Seriously? Why would Ray Toro record the fight?" She asked. "I don't know but he said he was going to send it to Gerard." I groaned.

"Weird." She said. I let out another sigh. "Why are they like this?" I asked. "Hm?" "Those delinquents." I lifted my head and rubbed my left temple. "I have no idea why the delinquents are the way they are. I wish I knew." Jenna replied. "I know that story." A senior in front of us turns around.

He had short brown hair, light green eyes and was really chubby. He had a friendly face though. "They weren't always like that. But I can tell what happened and how they became delinquents." He said. Jenna and I leaned forward eager to know.

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