23. Thanksgiving

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"I'm seeing someone"

"What!" She exclaimed "For how long?"

"We started dating at the beginning of the semester"

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't know how you would react, you know how you get sometimes, you never really approve of the people I date and I really do like him"

Mom opened her mouth to say something but Margaret cut her off "Tell us about him sweetheart" she beamed

"His name is Kevin and he is a medical student. We met at school and started dating some time after"

"Aww that's so sweet" Margaret cooed "It's good to know that you're finally seeing someone"

"If he makes you happy then it's okay with me besides nothing you've said so far could make me think he's not good for you, unless there's something you haven't told me"

"Nope that's it" I quickly responded

I knew for a fact that mom wouldn't be too enthusiastic about Kevin's family. She had a thing about people with money and mostly grouped them into one category-trouble-and I was pretty sure Kevin's past with women wouldn't paint a good picture of him but I feel like it's exaggerated since I've never encountered or had trouble with any of his ex's. If it was as bad as some people say it was then wouldn't I have met any?

"What do his parents do?

"His Father is a businessman and his mom's a paediatrician"

"What kind of business does his Father do?"

"Oh just normal business" I shrugged trying to play it cool

"Well that's pretty shallow"

"Kareen stop interrogating her" Margaret scolded

"I just want to know-"

"Oh look we're here" I cut her off and quickly got out of the car once it was parked

Hannah followed me out and we decided to go in without them. There were a few cars parked outside and I could hear some music coming from the backyard. The thing I realised about these family gatherings was that I always met someone new every thanksgiving and the most annoying thing just like I said before was that some people didn't like to mind their own business

You'd be asked questions about everything happening in your life and by everything I mean everything. The question that always came up when it came to me was who I was seeing and my aunts would go as far as giving me lectures on why now was the best time for me to be in a serious relationship. Trust me their reasons didn't make sense but I mostly just nodded and pretended to listen like the good niece I was.

My cousin Veronica who just happened to be two years older recently got married so everyone was looking forward to seeing just how she was coping with the married life. I was also looking forward to it since she was one of my favourite cousins.

The house was almost empty when we got in with most of the people being outside chatting and laughing. Grandma didn't allow anyone to be alone, she wanted everyone to mingle and get to know each other a little more. I'm actually grateful that grandma insisted that we come over every year because it was the best way for me to keep in touch with the rest of the family.

We went to the backyard where everyone was. There were tables and chairs arranged on the grass with a canopy on the other end that had a huge table to accommodate the entire family. My grandparent's house wasn't big enough to fit all of us so we mostly had it outside.

Hannah and I looked around for my grandparents but none of us could spot them. I saw some of my cousins by one of the tables and dragged Hannah there. To my surprise Danny was already seated and comfortable trying to woo Sandra who just as always pretended not to be interested. The thing was I could tell that she loved the attention he gave her.

Baby BluesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora