"Ah shit my breaks over" I sighed, getting up. There was something pulling me back to her though, like a force trying to bring us together. "Be back in a sec" I took our empty cups and threw them in the bin. I ran back inside and made her another large hot chocolate. I took it back out to her and she smiled. She handed me my jacket. She mouthed "Thank you" I waved and went back to work.


Harry had left, so I had to lock up again. I looked around and Jade was no where in sight. Strange, I never saw her leave. I started walking along the street, looking around the corners to see if I could see any sign of her. I was about to plug my headphones into my phone, when it wouldn't switch on.

"Well that's brilliant" I murmured. I pulled my jacket closer. I walked for a few more minutes in the now unsettling darkness. I was about to turn a corner, when I heard a shout. I looked around but I couldn't see anyone. I heard the sound of someone running, I walked forward a little quicker incase it was someone trying to attack me.

"PERRIE" a unfamiliar, yet adorable voice called. I turned and saw Jade running towards me. I stopped and wrapped my arms around the frantically shaking girl.

"oh my god Jade whats wrong?" I asked looking at her. A few tears escaped her eyes so I pulled her closer again.

"GET BACK HERE GIRL" a pissed off manly voice called out of no where. She started to get scared and clung to me.

"C'mon let's get you somewhere safe" she nodded and I hugged her tightly, letting her know she was safe. "did he hurt you?"

"H-he a-attacked me cause I w-wouldn't s-sleep with h-him" she sobbed.

"Oh honey" I rubbed her back, letting her sob into my shirt. "Can I ask you something? I'm not trying to be nosey or anything by it" she nodded. "Why are you living on the streets?"

"I'm scared incase you judge me though" she looked up at me.

"Jade, I'd never judge anyone unless there's a horrible reason to" I told her truthfully.

"My p-parents kicked me out cause I t-told them I w-was g-gay" she looked up waiting for me to call her worse than shit. I hugged her again. "Y-your fine with t-that?" She asked.

"Yeah, it's got nothing to do with me if your gay or straight. I'm bi myself, my flat mates/best friends and other friends are gay" she smiled.

"Thank you perrie" she smiled. She looked around confused. "Where we going?"

"To my flat" I smiled.

"But why?" She asked.

"So that you can have a place to sleep and eat real food" we turned into the street.

"Are you sure though, will I not be a pain?" She asked worried.

"Of course not, I wouldn't take you there otherwise"

"Thank you Perrie" she hugged me tighter.

"It's fine love. Now, you stand behind me when we go in okay?" She looked scared. "I don't mean they're going to hurt you. It's just incase they're getting busy on the sofa" she giggled. She's so adorable- stop it Perrie.

"Okay" we got up to the flat and went in.

"Jes, Leigh you home?" I shouted closing the door behind Jade.

"In here!" They shouted from the sofa. I gestured for her to follow me, which she nodded. I walked around the corner and Jesy turned her head.

"Hey Pezz" and Leigh sat up too.

"Hey, I brought someone" Jade was still hiding behind me. "Jesy, Leigh, this is Jade. The girl I was telling you both about" she waved shyly "and Jade this is Jesy and Leigh-Anne. My flat mates"

"Hello" they smiled.

"Hi" Jade stood close to me.

"They won't hurt you, I promise" I rubbed her back as she nodded. "C'mon" she followed me through to my room.

"You have a lovely home" she smiled.

"Thank you. Now, let's get you cleaned up" I took her parka off. "Is it alright if I see what he did to you?" She nodded slowly. I took off her jumper. She was so so skinny and frail looking. My face dropped even more when I saw what he did to her. Her stomach had bloody cuts across, that had been caused by a ring. I took off her pants and examined the many on her legs. I put my dressing gown on her and grabbed some fresh clothes and underwear for her. We walked out and into the bathroom.

"How bad are they?" She asked quietly. I took a damp towel and dabbed it across the bleeding cuts. She squeaked.

"I'm so sorry!" I said quickly.

"It's fine" I held my hand out for her to squeeze when ever it hurt. She took it and I felt yet another connection.

"Theres that cleaned up now you can have a shower" I smiled standing up. I gave her a towel and showed her how to work the shower.

"Thank you Perrie" she kissed my cheek as I walked out. The heat raised to my cheeks causing me to blush.

What's happening to me?

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