Chapter Twenty Seven

Start from the beginning

I giggle at his lack of knowledge about Earth sayings. He's learning but when he gets caught off guard like this its pretty funny to listen to. His confusion is kind of cute in all honesty.

Loki grumbles to himself as he continues to ready himself. I've sat down on the edge of the bed after having pulled the mirror over to it and have begun to put on my makeup. I can clearly see Loki in the mirrors reflection and he keeps making fleeting glances in my direction. For the time being I will ignore the looks he's giving me because I know that confronting it will just lead to a pointless argument.

Eventually once both myself and Loki have finished getting ready we exit our room and go to check on the others. Everyone else is ready so as a group we head off towards the part of the house where the celebrations will be held. It's being held in their large ballroom. They actually have a ballroom. Scott swears that its only ever used as a place to dance to pop songs and get drunk in. Failing that its used as a training room.

We arrive to find that the party has already started without us. To be completely honest I'm glad, there's nothing more awkward than having announcements made in your honour. Thankfully probably to Loki possible annoyance classical music isn't being played but in fact it's popular chart music which is being played, so basically my type of music for the most part.

Roxy immediately pull Morgan onto the dancefloor and they begin to dance. Quinn soon pulls Aaron onto the dancefloor. Leaving Rocco, Jett and Raya to randomly begin patrolling the dancefloor edges. I'm about to follow suit when Loki drags me onto the dancefloor and begins to dance.

Loki urges loudly over the music "Dance with me."

I deny while smiling "I don't dance Loki."

Loki takes my hands and makes me start dancing. I try to pull away, but Loki just pulls me closer, not having any of it. Shaking my head in defeat and giving up on trying to escape I begin to dance alongside Loki.

We spend the next hour and a half dancing away to whatever song came on until I couldn't take the heat any longer and decided it was time for a break. I made my way over to the side of the dancefloor with Loki following quickly behind.

Loki chuckles "You dance pretty well for a mortal. If I ever get the chance to take you to Asgard I'll teach you how to dance properly."

I argue "That is dancing properly."

Loki explains with a chuckle "I meant ballroom dancing, the old style of dancing you mortals rarely seem to participate in."

I scoff "You wouldn't see me in a ballroom dress or heels for that matter."

Loki laughs shaking his head before promising "One day I will get you in a ballroom dress and a pair of heels. That is a promise for you there."

I chuckle before scoffing sarcastically "When hell freezes over and pigs fly, then and only then will you see me in a ballroom dress and heels."

Pushing myself away from the wall and leaving Loki behind I walk over to the drinks table which is full of different types of alcohol and different soft drink options.

I turn to grab a drink for myself after not having anything to drink yet. Usually I'd manage to not have to drink but with the heat in this room it's really making my throat dry. I grab one for Loki one with the thinking that he'll need a drink as well. I grab us both two bottles of whatever soft drink option they've got here.

I return to Loki's side. He relaxes at my return. He's watching a blonde haired woman over in the corner. I feel my Snow Leopard begin to hiss at her in jealousy.

I ask "Who's the chick?"

Loki asks looking down towards me "Who's the what?"

I repeat but simplify "Who's the woman?"

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