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Author's POV

     Jaehee sat on top of her wooden desk while doodling sketches of dragons. The girl's long black wavy hair occasionally getting in the way of her art. She gently swung her legs back and forth to the rhythm of her pencil.

Jaehee would always spend her free time, and really any chance she had, to draw. The teacher was running late this morning so she decided to sketch some more.

     She hummed quietly as she drew a girl who had blazing fiery wings. 

"She needs a name." The girl thought to herself as she eyed her creation's features again. A soft smile spread across her lips as she came up with a befitting name.

     Jaehee wrote "아기나" at the top of her sketchbook paper, making sure the girl's name was prominent on the sheet. She couldn't help but grin again as she looked at her drawing, the girl's wings spread out to both sides of the paper as she stood in a victorious pose.

     "You look adorable when you draw, Jaehee, has anyone told you that?" A manly voice said, causing Jaehee to blush at the statement and look up. She smiled as she saw Jeno giving her a pearly white grin.

"Stop being so cheesy." She giggled softly as she set down her sketchbook and pencil to face him.

     "Good morning, princess." Jeno said as he placed down his backpack next to his desk.

      "Good morning ,Jeno." She said while sticking out her tongue at the guy, earning a soft chuckle from the latter.

     The door of their classroom opened abruptly, revealing an agitated teacher. The man had a scruffy beard and a few white hairs clinging to his ashy brown hair. The white hairs weren't due to age, as the man was only in his early forties, however having to deal with rowdy teenagers everyday made the poor man age more due to stress. He smiled unpleasantly at the disobedience of his pupils. None of them were in their seats, causing the experienced teacher to frown at their behavior.

     "Students, sit down at once! Just because I am not present in the classroom, does that give you the right to wander as you please. We have new students today so please turn your attention to the door, and give them your utmost respect!" Their teacher said with his usual grumpy disposition, his frown lines becoming more prominent as he scolded his class of seniors. 

     They were in fourth period at the moment and were all dying to escape the Mathematics classroom, for lunch was right after this.

Of course the poor 18-19 year olds were restless, they just wanted food! However they obliged to the Math professor and turned their heads to the door.

     Once the whole classroom shifted their attention towards the door, every girl let out cooing screams at the sight. Jaehee had to admit that her breath also hitched as six charmingly handsome boys and one gorgeous girl came into the classroom.

     "Enough screaming!" Their teacher yelled. Ironically. "These are the new transferees. Please welcome them and make them feel at home here." He turned to face the seven transferees and asked them to introduce themselves to the class.

      "Hello I am Mark." A tall curly blond haired boy said, he appeared to be atleast 18 years old. He wore round glasses that made his expressionless brown eyes, bulge out more.

      "I am Doyoung." He had black scruffy hair that exposed his forehead, along with a red headband that pulled back his hair a bit. The man wore one earing on his left ear that was in the shape of a cross.

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