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"First of all let us apologize for all the trouble..." Jungkook kept his gaze fixated on the floor as the words left his mouth like some well-memorized text.

"I was just afraid Jimin may suffer like us, I didn't mean to involve him in all of your beefs." Taehyung compared to Jungkook was looking Yoongi at the eyes, not flinching one bit at the angry gaze of the older.

"Suffer like you?" Jimin was never told the reason why Tae and Kook were against the werewolves and that was his chance to find out.

"You know, Jimin... Werewolves are cruel... But so are vampires and humans..." Jungkook pursed his lips together and slowly lifted his head to meet Jimin's concerned eyes. "I've always believed that we are all the same... However, werewolves don't. They casted Tae away and marked me like some livestock..." Jungkook sighed and Jimin could easily spot the sadness in his eyes.

Jimin insecure whether he was hearing the truth turned towards Yoongi. The werewolf next to him had an angered expression.

"You deserved it. You were put on duty to look for vampires and cast them away, not flirt with them. You betrayed the pack." Yoongi snorted. "Maybe if you talked to Namjoon or me we could have found a way to help but you choose to hide it until it was too late. The main pack found put about your doings and we just couldn't do anything."

"You know, talk whatever you want. I'm not here to argue. However, I'll just say one thing to Jimin: be conscious, werewolves may be even trickier than humans..." Jungkook chuckled. "Anyways, I've send a letter to Bang Sihyuk about my situation and he said he will think about it."

"Yup!" Taehyung exclaimed happily as he clinged into his boyfriend's bicep. "But that wasn't why we came here."

"Then why did you?" Yoongi already couldn't wait for them to leave.

"We had to warn you." Jungkook didn't say to whom he was talking - was it Yoongi, Jimin or both of them, they didn't know. "You are not what you think you are."

"The culprit is closer than you think it is." Taehyung finished and giggled as he knew how obvious it was but no one had realized it yet.

Without waiting for response the couple left the house, making Jimin and Yoongi wonder what they were talking about.



ooheon added a bit more from the liquid into the tube making it gain a strange bluish color.

He alined the tube so that the sunlight was going right through it and gasped.  He put a few drops of the liquid under the microscope and observed it closer.

"Well, shit, who would have guessed..." He mumbled and stood up leaning against the table. "I thought they were already extinct, dammit!"


Me dropping hints since the Q&A and have lowkey forgot about it 😅

No one noticed so I'm save tho 😁

Btw Halo is the first k-pop group to come to my country and I kept on squealing while watching their interview on the TV 😆

A brief translation of the text:
'The craze for K-pop'
'Why are the fans of this style increasing'

And an answer from me: Because it's freaking awesome! 😍😆

wolf in human's clothing «yoonmin»Where stories live. Discover now