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"W-werewolfs!? What are you talking about, grandma!?" Jimin looked over at his grandma with suspicious eyes as she was driving down the street.

"Just what I said, sweetie! There have been a lot of missing people these days..." His grandma sighed. "Even poor Youngjae was attacked last week.. He's been feeling down and looks way too pale since then..."

"Youngjae? Also there is no way there are werewolfs, grandma, maybe he's just stressed over school..." Jimin just couldn't believe his grandma. What's this!? A fantasy book!? He thought to himself.

"Youngjae is one of our neighbors. You will meet him soon, probably... Well, that's if he decides to go out as he had closed himself at home this past days."

Jimin rolled his eyes hoping his grandmother hadn't noticed and returned his eyes on the road.

That Youngjae... He is probably just stressed out... Yeah, no way there are werewolfs or things like that! Those were Jimin's thoughts as he finally exited the small car.

Jimin looked at his grandma's house who had been a widow for a few years then. The house had two floors and its walls were painted fading baby blue. He and his grandma entered the yard dragging the heavy suitcases. Jimin looked around to admire his grandma's well arranged flower garden. Petunias, roses, begonias, camellias, jasmines and many other flowers were present making the stay in the garden peaceful and filled with different sweet smells. Birds were singing in the background. Everything was just so nice.

Jimin took a deep breath.

"Ok... It may not be as bad as I thought..." He entered the house ready to turn one of the empty rooms in the house to his.


Jimin just finished unpacking when the doorbell rang. If he was at his apartment he would had had to go and open it but he was now on the second floor of his grandma's house, meaning he didn't really have to. However, there was one small problem. The boy was craving hot cocoa so he had to go downstairs and pass by the front door which was right in front of the stairs.

He went downstairs and noticed Mrs. Park who was going for the door. He didn't say anything and entered the kitchen, starting the coffee maker. He got his favourite cup (which he had brought from Seoul) and put the mixture into it. Finally, the green light on the coffee maker lightened up and Jimin put the cup under it. Hot water started pouring. After the cup was full Jimin stopped the machine and grabbed a teaspoon to stir it up. The nice flavour could be sensed everywhere in the small kitchen and Jimin loved every litle thing about it.

The boy took one big gulp from his cup when he heard his grandma's voice calling him. He grabbed his cup in one hand as was sipping from time to time from it as he reached the front door.

There his grandma was talking with a young boy maybe around Jimin's age who had a heart-warming smile. Mrs. Park noticed him.

"Oh! Jiminie, come meet Hoseok. He is the one I told you will show you around."

Jimin had already finished his cocoa so he put the empty cup on a random cupboard and went up to the door in order to meet Hoseok.

His grandmother had already left wanting them to get to know each other. Hoseok was awkwardly standing in the hallway looking at Jimin who was in a similar situation.

"So..." Hoseok finally decided to talk. "Would you like me to show you the village now or..?" Hoseok smiled awkwardly. He most certainly wasn't used to being into old ladies' houses.

"Yeah, just wait a second!" Jimin finally smiled, his eyelids wrinkling at the action.

The pinkhaired boy ran upstairs to get his phone which was still charging. He grabbed what he needed and headed downstairs, missing a few stairs and almost falling. However, Hoseok caught him by the arm supporting him. They finally exited the house to be met by the not so big village and the not so boring people in it.


Any thoughts for now? What do you think would Hoseok show Jimin first?

Hope you enjoyed!

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