Part Fourteen

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This does contain Mature Language ⚠️
Hope you enjoy! :)
I'm currently sat in the mission room, getting briefed on my first assignment. "You and Eggsy will be travelling to LA, where there has been recent drug activities." Merlin informs us. He pulls up a hologram picture of a drug. "This drug is called the 'White Horse' it has known to be quite dangerous and can cause serious blackouts and seizures. Your job will be to find out as much as possible about the drug, your target is this man." He pulls up a photo of a tall man, middle aged looking quite fancy. "This is Bernard Washington, we have been informed that he is a partner of whoever is creating white horse."

"Well he just looks like a dad on vacation." I say squinting at the photo. Eggsy chuckles at my comment.

"Don't judge a book by its cover Liz." He continues chuckling until I whack him over the back of the head. "Ouch!" He complains. I start laughing.

Merlin glares at us both. "Both if you take this seriously, it's Lizzie's first mission and we don't exactly want our new agent killed, do we Eggsy? Eggsy rolls his eyes at Merlin and I continue to laugh. Merlin sighs at us both then continues speaking "You both will attend a party tonight where he will be, there are outfits in your rooms, so hurry up and get ready."

Me and Eggsy look at each other. "Last one there pays the bar tab." I shout whilst running off down the hall as Eggsy runs, not far after me.

"Not fair! You got a head start!" He shouts.

"Ugh, I cant believe you tripped me up... Cheater." I whine at Eggsy as we reach our rooms.

He laughs "Tough luck Lizard." I turn around and give him my resting bitch face.

"I told you to never call me that again." I say whilst hitting him with a rolled up magazine. Eggsy finally apologised and we head inside our rooms. I look upon the classy dress hung up on my wardrobe.


"Wow Merlin it's amazing

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"Wow Merlin it's amazing." I say to myself. I lift up the silky skirt and feel the soft fabric between my fingers.

"No problem." Merlin replies. I didn't notice him behind me so I jump out of my skin.

"Holy fucking shit balls!" I scream, he chuckles quietly.

"Nice vocabulary." He smiles, I smile at him sarcastically. "Alright I wanted to tell you that since your outfit is a dress, there are secret pants underneath so if there are any necessary fighting, you can just tear away the skirt region." He comments whilst showing me the pants part that is hidden.

"Wow Merlin, that is genius!" I jump up and down excited then hug him. You can tell he is uncomfortable since he's not a hugger but I don't care.

"Ok now hurry up because it's time to party!" He shouts then I just laugh continuously until he glares at me.

I apologise if this is short.
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Bye :)

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