Part Nine

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This does contain Mature Language ⚠️
Hope you enjoy! :)
I walk alone towards Harry's office. Shit, he is not going to be impressed that I slept next to Lizzie. I knock on the dark oak door and hear a faint voice on the other side say "Come in!"

I enter and see Harry sat at his desk writing. He doesn't look up but knows it's me and gestures for me to sit down. I sit in one of the brown leather chairs and lay back casually. "Manners Eggsy." He says strictly. I sit up straightly and cross my legs.

After several minutes of awkward silence I finally say something. "So you wanted to see me?" I ask, he looks up sighs and puts his pen down.

"I know that you and Elizabeth are good friends but possibly want more..." He pauses. I look shocked at him wondering where he got that from.

"Woah, woah, woah." I repeat, "We May have Chemistry but nobody said anything about wanting more" I lie. Yes of course I like Lizzie but I can't tell Harry, the one who is keeping us apart. But I don't know if Lizzie even likes me back.

"Please, no flirting with her." He orders "Now leave please." He says gesturing me to leave. I leave angry but once I shut the door behind me I smirk. I'm not staying away from Lizzie, she's my best friend.

I'm in the training room, training Lizzie for future missions. I gesture for her to charge at me and bend forward, grab her by the waist then carry her on my shoulder. She is squirming around shouting at me to let her go but I don't. She eventually gets loose and pushes on my shoulders, forcing her backwards but I lunge after her then end up on top of her. Our faces are inches apart and I really want to kiss her but I can't. I know I break the rules sometimes but I can't always disobey Harry or he would probably kick me out of Kingsman. So I stand up, help Lizzie up onto her feet and walk out of the training room. I think I might go take a cold shower.

As Eggsy walks out of the training room, I stand there confused. What the fuck? I really wanted him to kiss me and he look in his eyes said he wanted to too. I walk out of the training room, dabbing my forehead with a towel then proceeding to throw it onto my shoulder and take a huge gulp of water from the bottle. I get outside my room and Eggsy's room. I rest my forehead against his door wanting him to open the door and kiss me. But that only happens in fairytales and it certainly didn't happen then.

I lift my head off his door and walk into my room. I chuck my bottle on the table and my towel on the floor totally oblivious to the fact I will need that after I take a shower. I step into the shower nude and just sit on the floor, my knees next to my chest in a foetal position. It seems like an eternity, being in that shower so I decide to get out. At that moment I knew, I fucked up by chucking my towel down. I climb out of the shower trying to not slip to my doom. I realise that there is no point in being worried since the bathroom is connected to my room, not like my old flat. I open the door, stroll put confidently in the nude humming to myself. And that's when it happened.

Thanks for reading!
Sorry to leave it on a cliff hanger ;)
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Bye! :)

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