(Keth x reader) once upon a time: part one

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(Ok so a little a/n in this story your mother is Regina/the evil queen from once upon a time and if you don't know what that is I'm gonna do a flashback so you understand the situation also everyone is not in space and hunk and ocean is not in the story)

You were walking to your highschool when you half-sister ran to your side (your half sister had the same dad but you two have a different mom) "hey robin" you said in a sad tone "what's wrong (y/n)?" She asked while you turned to her and she turned to you a noticed tears streaming down your face "nothing I'm just thinking about..." you trailed off because whenever you say his name you start to cry. Robin pulled you into a hug because she New exactly what you were crying over... your father. "It's ok (y/n) I miss him to but" she pulled away from the hug and grabbed both of your hands "we have to be strong he would be happy to see you here and I guarantee he misses you to" robin said while smiling. Your friends soon came over to you and your sister. You tried to hide your face from them but they noticed you before you hide your face. "What's wrong (y/n)?" Pigde asked while her and all of the others looked worried you looked at them and shock your head "n-nothing me and robin were just talking about..." you trailed of again because you didn't want to burst out into tears. "About what?" Shiro asked while robin pulled them to the side so she could tell them without making her cry. "Sh-she was crying about our father" robin said while a tear ran down her face. They knew that your father was dead but none of them knew how he died and they didn't know your mothers were secretly witch's. "Oh... that's why" Keith said while they all walked back to you. "Hey it's ok (y/n)." Robin said while she hugged you. Soon everyone was hugging you "thanks guys" you said while they all stopped hugging you. You wiped your tears away and everyone got an email saying that school has been canceled. "Awesome! No school"  lance said while you looked at the email until you realized everyone had been saying your name trying to get your attention "Hey are you ok (y/n)?" Shiro asked while you nodded. "Yea uh I have to go somewhere" you said while you looked at robin and she nodded. "Me to" robin said while looking back at everyone else. "Where are you going?" Lance asked while you where about to speak but robin beat you to it "our fathers grave... todays his birthday and we always visit him on his birthday... your welcome to come if you'd like I bet he will love to meet you" robin said while they shock their heads "no we don't want to invade your privacy" shiro said while you just nodded "it's okay" you said while robin got a text from her mom saying she has to go home "aw man I can't go tell dad happy birthday for me" robin said while you nodded "okay say hi to zelena for me" you said while she nodded "okay" robin said while she started to walk to her home. "Well I gotta go talk to you guys later" you said "okay bye (y/n)" allura said while you started to walk away. You started to walk to the grave but little did you know someone was fallowing you... it was Keith. When you got to the grave you started to talk to your dead father "hey dad I found one of your arrows I wanted to keep it so I can remember you" you said while Keith was behind a tree close by you so he could hear you. "Mom says that you died by accident but I know how you died and I still miss you even though you died when I was five"  you said while you started to cry. "I just wish that things were different I wish that you were still here and I especially wish that hades wasn't alive" you said. Keith ran up to you and hugged you from behind. When you saw it was Keith you hugged him back still crying "how did your dad die?" Keith asked while he pulled away out of the hug and looked at you. "Can I trust you not to tell anyone?" You asked while looking at him in the eyes. He nods his head as a yes and you and him stood up and you waved your hand in the air so everything around you turned into the mayors office the time your father died so he could see it

"where am I?" Your five year old self asked zelena "no where darling I'm just gonna protect you from your mother and father"zelena said while nealing down to your level "but why? She's my mother am i not suppose to be with her?" You asked your aunt "I know, I know but you and your sister have to be together now go sit by your sister I put some coloring over there for you" zelena said while kissing your head and picked you up and sat you at the table were your sister is. Hades was making the crystal that destroys lives. After that the lights flickered on and off.  "Someone's trying to break the barrier" zelena said while looking out the window "ugh it's Emma swan I'll deal with her" zelena said while she put her jacket on and kissed your head and her baby's head "ok aunty will be back soon just as soon as I know both of you are safe" zelena said while she walked out "I'll go to one thing I know about these people is that they don't work alone" hades said while he walked out with the crystal in his hands. As soon as they walked out your parents walked into the office "(y/n) your save thank god" your mother said while walking over to you and hugging you "mama! Your back" you said while hugging her back. Your father walked over to you and hugged you "(n/n) (nick name) your safe did hades do anything to you two?" Your father asked while he picked you up and walked over to robin. "No is he gonna hurt someone?" You asked "no but don't worry dads here and everything's gonna be alright" your father said "I wouldn't be so sure about that" hades said while your parents looked at him your father put you down next to him "stay away from my daughters" your father said while pointing at him "oh believe me their not the ones that are in danger" hades said while pointing the crystal at your mother. "Hades stop this isn't worth it if you kill me you will lose zelena forever" Regina said "sh one if she knows about it and this... this won't kill you it will end you no underworld no moving on the next minute you exist the next you don't that's what you get for trying to turn zelena against me" hades said while Robin Hood spoke up "it was my idea to break in here use that on me let her go" robin said while you looked at him on the bridge of tears. "Oh sorry ladies first" hades said as he pointed it at her and shoted "no!" Robin stepped infront of your mother before it shot her and it hit him you ran to your mothers side as he turned around and his body fell on the floor but his spirit was still there he kissed your mothers cheek and he crouched down to you and kissed your head. He then stood up and he disappeared "papa!" You screamed as tears streamed down your face you fell on your knees as you hugged your father and your mother did the same
{end of flashback}

Keith looked at you when they were back at the grave yard you started to cry and Keith hugged you. The others came to the grave yard to try to find Keith and they saw everything "oh my gosh" allura said while you looked at them "I-is that how your..." Pigde asked while they all walked over to you. "Y-Yea it is" you said while you rubbed your arm "we're so sorry (y/n)" shiro said while they all hugged you "I-it's fine anyways I should get home" you said while you started to walk away "wait can we come over? So we can ask your mother about everything that happened during that thing" Keith asked. You sighed "fine you can come" you said as you all started to walk back to your home. When you got there you knocked on the door "who is it?" Your mother yelled "it me your daughter with my friends" you yelled through the door "come in" your mother yelled. You walked in and you saw them in ball gowns "oh no" you sighed as your sister grabbed allura's, pigde's, and your wrist "I'm gonna borrow for a second" robin said while she ran upstairs whith you three. "So what's happening?" Lance asked "oh we're going to a ball and you all have to come it's really fun" zelena said "but you guys have to wear something fancy" Regina said while waving her hand in the air and soon the boys were wearing tuxes. "There now you can go to the ball" Regina said while smiling.

(Meanwhile with the girls)

"Ok so you guys are going to a ball to celibate our fathers birthday" robin said while she looked through a box with different ball gowns in it "here you go (y/n)" robin said while handing you you're dress. You went into the bathroom and changed "ok I think I found some dresses that are good for you two" robin said while handing allura and pigde a dress. After you three got ready you all walked down the stairs.

 After you three got ready you all walked down the stairs

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(Your dress)

(Pidges dress)

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(Pidges dress)

(Allura's dress)

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(Allura's dress)

To be continued...

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