Merry chrismas

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(Ok so this is based on a video I watched and so yea shout out to. Skitsofanacts and there will be no klance I like the ship but it's not in this fanfic)

You woke up to your alarm clock playing the normal tune... not turns out lance stole you phone while you were asleep then changed the alarm to jingle bells. You turned it off and got up and tried to look for your normal clothes you would wear. "Were are my clothes?" You looked everywhere but all you found was a dark purple sweater. "Well guess I'm wearing this today"you said to yourself as you put it over your shirt. You walked out of your room that's next to Keith's. Keith was your best friends when you saw he had a sweater on to. "I see I'm not the only one that got robed last night" you smirked and he chuckled. "Hey (y/n). Yea lance is gonna pay for this" you both looked at the bathroom door and rolled your eyes. Kieth opened the door and oh my gosh the whole bathroom was decked out with Christmas decorations. "What the..?" Kieth and you said in unison you both went in their and brushed your teeth. After you two were down both you a kieth ripped a paper snowflake off the mirror. You walked out since kieth was the first one to take a shower but when you left kieth came out of the bathroom saying 'nope' a bunch of times. "What happened?" You asked. "Nothing just don't take a shower today and take one tomorrow" he said and you nodded. "Noted"  you said while Keith looked around. "Is that snow?" Keith asked pointing at it then stands across from pigde and shiro. "Yep apparently lance's making a snow man" shiro said while he tried to take a sip out of a red coffee cup. "I'm surprised it hasn't melted by now" pigde said while he almost took a sip from her coffee cup but lance came in and grabbed both of the cups "seriously the red cup is Keith's and the dark purple cup is (y/n)'s" lance said while giving the cups to us. Keith just gave the coffee cup back to shiro while I just pushed to cup away. While lance augured about the color codings and the paladin laws and junk. "clause that states that were not aloud to steal each other's clothes in our sleep?" Pigde said after lance interrupted her. "I have no idea what your talking about" as lance said that you saw him kick a dark purple scarf and a red jacket with white stripes on the sleeves. Then he pushed a green cup with marshmallows in it towards pigde. "Marshmallows?" Pigde asked "oh yea" lance said "apologies" pigde said while taking a sip of the hot chocolate. "See that's the Christmas spirit pigde. Actually we're all a little festive, are we?" Lance said while elbowing me and Keith. "Ah, i see this is your stupid idea" Keith said while taking off his deer ears. "Hey are you calling the holidays stupid?" "Yea I am I see you trashed the bathroom" "you just called the holidays stupid it's the best time of the year" he sang the last part and slung his arms around you and Keith. Keith pushed his away while You elbowed him in the ribs. Than lance started to sing a bunch of songs and then Keith got mad. "That's it!"Keith yelled while coming towards lance and shiro slammed his hand on the table and yelled enough. Keith backed away from lance and pigde started to slurp through his straw. You all looked at him and he stopped and drank the drink. "Lance took it upon himself not to just decorate the bathroom but the whole castle" shiro said while looking around "hey snow worries I even wrapped the freaking paintings, plus I hade old Saint Nick through up in the bathroom, and put up a tree now no need to thank me I'm just sharing Christmas cheer with my fellow paladins" lance said while slinging an arm around Keith and he pushed him a away "I'm impressed lance you probably woke up really early to steal our clothes and decorate the whole castle I just wish you were this enthusiastic about training" shiro said while you and Keith tried not to laugh. "But we still appreciate the gesture" shiro said while hitting your arm slightly "what?" "Say it" shiro said while Keith and you eye rolled. "It's pretty lousy or whatever but merry Christmas" you said while lance slammed the deer ears on the table. "I'm just here for the hot chocolate and that's melting"you grabbed the snowman while lance ran after you and Keith ran after lance to make sure he doesn't hurt you. You guys run to the door and throw it outside "your gonna get it" lance said while throwing snow at you then you threw snow at him and then Keith threw it at lance.


After you guys were done throwing snow at each other lance headed inside while Keith went in and opened the door for you. You were shivering "man I'm a-so cold" you said while Keith grabbed your hands and blew some air on your hands so you'll be warm. "T-thanks" you said while blushing a little "why did lance put a stupid weed up?" "It's a mistletoe" you said while looking up. "Oh is that what it is?" Keith asked while you both looked at each other. "Uh Yea" you said and soon after that Keith kissed you. You were blushing so much but you soon melted into the kiss. You both then pulled away after a minute you were blushing so much. "Merry Christmas (y/n)" "y-you to Keith" you smiled and you both leaned you foreheads against each other. "So does this mean?" You asked "Yea I guess" Keith said while smiling. "I guess the holidays don't suck so much"


Pigde and shiro were in the other room and watched the whole thing go down shiro holded his hand out and pigde put ten dollars in his hands

I really hope you guys like this and I used 1056 words omg

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