Chapter 1: Sold out

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(Normal pov)

"You just scared him!"

"I scared him?!!"

Astrid stepped back in fear at the sight of the Unholy Offspring of Lightning and Death Itself, but she was disgusted by Hiccup for befriending this... abomination. Hiccup held the Night Fury back who bared its teeth at Astrid and had its bat like wings extended. Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, the village screw-up and outcast stood in front of it, his entire lanky and weak build trying to hold the dragon's head back and only barely achieving a modicum of control over the beast. Despite every rational thought in her mind begging her to run that instant, Astrid gathered enough of her resolve for a moment as the dragon eyed her with malice. She shook with disbelief as she posed an unsteady question.

"Who... is him?"

Hiccup took a step forward, trying despite his feeble and unintimidating stature to become assertive in the situation. He put on a visibly fake smile in an attempt to calm the nerves of all parties involved as he directed the girl's attention to the dragon that only begrudgingly disciplined itself as the boy stepped forward.

"Uh...Astrid-Toothless..." Astrid piqued an eyebrow at the strange name as Hiccup's expression grew more serious and demanding as he turned to awkwardly named dragon and attempted the reverse, hoping to discipline the beast that was the cause of so much confrontation.


The dragon-forsaking its name- bared a full palisade of sharp and intimidating teeth to Astrid, much to Hiccup's chagrin. Feeling that she was not going to be immediately harmed, Astrid turned with a disbelieving scowl before saying. "You are so busted." She began to run towards the cove entrance. She had to get out of here, had to warn the village. She had to tell them that the heir to the throne was a traitor. Years of training and preparation kicked in as her legs surged with adrenaline. She was ready for a situation like this. Every Viking was disciplined from birth to point out traitors in their midst, those who would dare forsake the traditions of war and give in to the company of the enemy. Every footfall drew her closer to support and an opportunity to do change the course of her last few humiliating weeks. Fear quickly mutated into bravado as she rapidly contemplated what she would say and do to help rally the village against the boy.

Hiccup held Toothless back. "Leave her bud, we're leaving this god forsaken rock anyway, I just to finish packing." Toothless growled but nodded.

(Berk—village square)

Stoick and a handful of villagers were helping a family rebuild their barn. "Good work lads! We should be able to finish this barn in no time." Before anyone could do anything else—


Stoick turned around to see Astrid approach, she stopped to catch her breath the villagers began to gather. "What's wrong lass?" Stoick asked, after Astrid caught her breath, she spoke. "It-it's Hiccup. He's a traitor! He's befriended a Night Fury in a cove in Raven Point." The villagers gasped at this news. Stoick's eyes widened but he'd be a fool to ignore the threat of a Night Fury on his island.

Stoick turned to Spitelout Jorgensen and Armond Hofferson. "Gather our strongest warriors and meet at the forest. We need to confirm Astrid's claim." The two men nodded and gathered their warriors, Stoick looked toward the forest and prayed to the gods that Astrid's claim was an act of jealousy. Little did he know he'd be in for a shocking discovery.

(The Cove)

Hiccup had finished packing the last of his possessions in a makeshift back pack he made, which held his clothing, journal, sketch book, coin and forge tools. He knew how to fish and with Toothless' help? They could catch dozens of them.

The two then heard the shouts of Vikings. They needed to go right now. "Let's go bud." Toothless turned around to Hiccup and spoke via telepathy.

::With pleasure my brother::

Just as they were about to take off, a bola came flying through the air and wrapped itself around Toothless' wings, Hiccup gasped in panic as he turned around to see the enraged face of his father Stoick the Vast, along with Astrid, the other teenagers and Berks strongest warriors. Hiccup could see the shocked disbelief on his fathers face. That emotion soon turned into murderous rage.

Not good.

"Take them." Stoick said coldy to Spitelout, the Jorgensen nodded and Armond Hofferson along with the rest of the warriors climbed down the slope leading to the Cove. Hiccup drew his knife and began cutting the ropes as fast as he could, Toothless covered Hiccup by firing plasma bolts at their attackers.

Stoick jumped down, barrel rolled and charged. His anger burning so hot it would make a Monsterous Nightmares flames pathetic. As Stoick tried to tackle Toothless, Hiccup cut the rope just in time as Toothless tail whipped Stoick across the face; sending the Hooligan Chieftain crashing into a nearby boulder. Stoick got back up quickly and actually tackled Hiccup, he slammed the traitorous boy on the ground and drew his sword. "You're a fucking disgrace!! Die!!" But before Stoick could land a kill blow, Toothless fired a plasma bolt into Stoick's shoulder, causing him to drop his sword and roar in agony.

Hiccup rolled away from Stoick as the chief tried to grab his traitorous son. The auburn haired teen jumped on Toothless and he yelled.

"Sky Toothless!!!"

The Night Fury didn't need to be told twice, Toothless bolted into the air just in time as Stoick again tried to prevent them from flight, high enough to avoid bolas and arrows. Hiccup looked down to see his now former people's faces.






"YOU ARE NO LONGER MY SON!!! YOU'VE COMMITTED THE MOST HEINOUS CRIME TO VIKING KIND!! LEAVE!! AND NEVER RETURN." Stoick roared toward the heavens, veins bulging through his forearms and one on his forehead, threatening to burst.

The Vikings around Stoick were throwing their own curses and insults to Hiccup, although Astrid was silent. In fact she was shocked that Stoick would kill his only son. She knew traitors deserved no more and no less. But still. She can't help but feel as though she had just made a terrible mistake.

She then saw Hiccup and his dragon vanish, they flew off into the clouds, the Vikings turned toward Stoick, the Chief turned to Gobber, who refused to believe the boy he loved like a son would turn on them like this. "Astrid came in second in dragon training right?" The blacksmith gave a worrisome look but responded.

"Uh... aye she did Stoick."

"Good. She'll have the honor of killing the Nightmare then. At least someone on this island can live up to the Viking name." Stoick spat out with bile. He was furious at this act by his son, but in the end Hiccup was right. Stoick didn't want a son who was not going to live up to the family name. Not going to live up to his Viking heritage. If he was going to disrespect the Viking name, then he didn't deserve it in the first place. Didn't deserve to be called the son of Stoick the Vast. Didn't deserve the helmet that he had received a few nights prior which now rested forgotten on the barren bed.

"Stoick are you-"

"I'm fine Gobber. Now get out of my way..." Stoick let his last word threaten the blacksmith enough for the hand to be withdrawn. The large Haddock returned to the Coves exit while the other warriors followed their chief back home.

Stoick felt his eyes sting with tears, but he would not shed any for the traitor that used to be his son. First the dragons take his lovely Valka from him. Now Hiccup has the audacity to join the damned beasts?!! Stoick would announce a new heir as the sun would set, for now he wanted to return home and ease the betrayal he'd just suffered.

A/N: New story, I'm going to try a crossover between the the game For Honor into this universe. We'll see we're it'll lead. Hope you enjoy.

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