Wolf Blood: So You're Telling Me

Start from the beginning

"I'll carry you. It'll be quicker that way." My arms wrapped around her and she wrapped her arms tightly around my neck.

She is going to choke me.

Mate in labor...

'Huh, what makes you say that?'

Bite me, I nervous too you know

'I don't think it is possible to be as nervous as me right now.'

Wanna bet?

"Alpha Kate, I need you to calm our Luna down..." My uncle, who is our main pack doctor, told me and I gulped from fear. She is scary right now...

"I-I'll try m-my best." I stuttered out before walking back over to her bedside.

She grabbed my hand tightly and looked me in the eyes, "if you don't get these pups out of me in the next hour I'm going to kill someone." Luka growled and I kinda flinched at her words.

"Breathe baby... just breathe and focus on me." I kissed her hand which calmed her down for a half of a second before she once again looked me in my eyes and fear overcame me once again.

"What does it look like I'm trying to do?! I'm breathing damnit! Just get these things out of me!" She yelled and the nurses began to work faster.

"Luna, after every contraction we need you to push. Your next one should be in about two minutes." One of the nurses said to Luka and she threw her head back on the pillow.

"Another painful ass contraction. Multiple of them. Great. Fantastic." Her sarcastic, angry self started to shine and I kinda cowered back a bit.

"I love you." I whispered to her and looked her in the eyes.

"I love you too, but these pups need to get the fuck out of me." She started to whine and wince which means she's about to start having contractions again.

Lucky me.

Mate scary...

'You're telling me'

She was staring through you soul...

'I know. I am still a bit scared. She is holding my hand you know.'

Prepare for it to be broken

'No kidding'

I snapped out of my thoughts when Luka squeezed my hand so tightly to the point where I felt something shift and crack. I didn't say anything because I know she is in more pain than me, but damn does she have a grip. She started to yell a slur of cuss words as the contractions passed.

"Alright Luna, push on three!" My uncle yelled to her.

She nodded and got ready.

"One... two... three!"

She screamed at the top of her lungs as she began to push.

It's not like human birth where human are like six pounds. We have big ass pups that are sixteen pounds on average, and they're bulky as well as stubborn.

"We should be able to get the first one out after the next contraction. The first one is crowning." My uncle informed Luka in the calmest voice anyone could possess, but she glared at him and stared through his soul and for a second he looked scared for his life.

"How long till they're both out?" Luka asked through gritted teeth.

"I don't know where the other pup is quite yet, so I cannot say for sure..." My uncle nervously said as he avoided eye contact.

She started another contraction and I'm pretty damn sure my hand is broken in multiple places which is always good (note the sarcasm).

"Push on three Luna. One... two... three!" My uncle yelled and Luka followed suit.

Her slurs of cuss words overtopped his voice with ease though. I'm pretty sure the whole pack could hear her.

My head snapped when I heard a pup whimpering.

"First pup is out!" One of the nurses said as she handed me the surgical scissors to cut the cord.

"Is it possible for me to do this wrong?" I asked nervously as I hovered the scissiors over the cord.

"No, just cut between the clamps." She said with a smile and I did it quickly. She then ran over to the cleaning thing before yelling "it's a girl! And it's a super!" I didn't even get to see what our pup looks like.

I could only smile to myself as I walked back over to Luka.

"One down, one to go." She smiled at me weakly.

"What is her name?" I asked her with a smile.

"Kaylyn." She smiled up at me, but her smile soon turned into pained expression with a scream as the next contraction hit.

"Focus on me baby. I'm here." I kissed her forehead. "You're doing so good baby. Just a little bit longer."

Her contraction passed and my uncle counted to three once again before Luka began to push for her last time. The second pup came out with ease versus the other which was two pounds larger than the second.

"It's a boy! And a super!" The nurse yelled and Luka sighed in relief since she finished all of the pushing. She is sore, but nowhere near as much pain as before.

Two different nurses came over to us and she handed me the boy and Luka the girl.

"Kaylyn and Kato." She smiled up and me and I nodded. I love those names.

"Looks like we have another female super alpha coming." My uncle smiled.

"Of course, but with an overprotective brother." Luka laughed.

Kaylyn was all white with glowing blue streaks lighting up in a design on her face. She had my fur versus Kato who had Luka's fur, but with yellow and blue designs on his face.

"He's got some of my power and some of your power." Luka added as she traced his designs and he leaned into her touch.

"She's got mine. Her wolf looks a lot like mine too." I smiled and Luka did too as we looked at our future.

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