Lou gets rescued and saved

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As the footsteps were coming closer, Lou hid herself behind a tree.

"Don't you think it's impolite to greet who will save you?," A voice said as Lou turned to see who it was

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"Don't you think it's impolite to greet who will save you?," A voice said as Lou turned to see who it was. A huge smile popped on her face.

"Karlheinz?," Lou says as he smiles. Lou ran up to him and hugged with blood tears on her face.

"There There, it's alright," Karl said as the Tsukinamis appeared. What are you two thinking of kidnapping a little girl? What do you two want from Yui and Lou?

"We'll explain," Carla said as he explains everything. Karlheinz was shocked at this. How did she even escaped?

"One of the rats that are from my clan helped her," Karlheinz Said as he hold the rat in his hand. He's a knight rat.

"We want her," Said Carla

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"We want her," Said Carla.

"If I catch you both coming after Lou and Yui. Both of you first Bloods will no longer live," Karlheinz Said as the two first Bloods nodded. Now leave!

The first Bloods left and Lou looked at Karlheinz. He then smirks.

"Let's get you back to the medical center and I'll have Yui and the rest come. This rat will protect you and your mother, if any of those first Bloods will come at you," Karl said as the rat hugged Lou.

"I'll name him knight desman," Lou said as Karl smiles. But I'm scared of the medical center.

"Don't worry, I'm here and lets head there," He Said as Lou nods. Hold on tight.

Karlheinz used his vampire power to fly to the medical center.

While at the Sakamaki mansion. Yui sits on the couch. Then the brothers comes in and told Yui the news. Yui was beyond excited with Edward and the others. The rest of them head to the medical center. As they went inside, everything was cleaned up and back to normal. When Yui went into Lou's room. She sees Lou all asleep while Lord Heinz looks at her.

"Lord Heinz Thank you so much for saving my beautiful girl," Yui whispers with a smile

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"Lord Heinz Thank you so much for saving my beautiful girl," Yui whispers with a smile.

"No problem Yui," Karl said as Yui rubs Lou's cheeks. What did you do to the founders?

"I put a restraining order on them to never see you two again. So the Sakamaki's and Mukami's will protect you two like keep an eye watch to make sure they don't come near you two," The brothers father explains as Lou woke up.

"Mommy...mommy," Lou said as Yui hugs her.

"I'm so glad your alive Lou," Yui smirks.

"I'm glad too mother," Lou said.

"You need rest my little Lou,"

"Yes mommy,"

Lou drifted into a deep sleep with a smile.

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