10. The Stories Held Behind A Toilet

Start from the beginning

heavy, our lips are half an inch from colliding.

And then...

my fu€king phone starts ringing! I flinch back, away from him, our eyes flipping open like a light bulb. I let out a deep breath, one I was holding for such a long time. I see an emotion cross Drew's face, a disappointed look, but it quickly vanishes. He composes his face and sits straight in the drivers seat, clicking his seatbelt as I answer my phone. Izabela.

"Hey Bella," I give a sigh, trying to hide the disappointment in my voice. I wanted to say instead, "Great timing Bella, really great." But I didn't.

"Remy! Where are you?" Izabela shouts through the phone, loud music is playing in the background, and a bunch of other voices are also cheering, I guess they're at that teen club already.

"Oh, I'm on my way Izabela! Drew and me are on the way!" I scream back, Drew starts driving quietly.

"Ooh!" Izabela sings, "Were you guys having a make out session?" Bella teases me, and since she was screaming it, I'm sure Drew heard it too. Drew laughs, throwing his head back.

"No Bella, we weren't," I say in a calm voice, a little annoyed by her teasing. "But we were about to," I mutter under my breath, knowing she wouldn't have heard it. I take a glance at Drew who is smiling inwardly, then put my attention back to the phone.

"Sure, whatever babe, just hurry up, me and Nick booked a table and you need to hurry your butts here before us fata$ses finish all the food!" Izabela laughs her melodic laugh, and hangs up. I chuckle, putting my phone back in my purse.

"So...what was Miss Hysaj saying?" Drew holds back a laugh, keeping his attention on the road.

"As if you didn't hear most of it," I rest my head back, my mind bubbling with the thoughts of tonight. The rest of the ride is silent, Drew doesn't say anything while I rest for a while, if you rewind the entire day, I could sum it all up to be a pretty tiring and eventful day. I wonder what mom must be thinking, she probably knows by now that I escaped through the window, but that's nothing new, I'll just return home late and she'll give me a lecture and I'll pretend like I care and go to my room acting guilty, but up at my room I'll be having a group chat with Nick, Bella, and now, Drew too. Life would be perfect, me and Drew, the most powerful couple in Mather High, we'd be popular, people would fear us. And next to our shoulders will be my best friend Bella and Drew's brother, Nick, we'd have our own popular table at lunch that everybody would want to sit at, and all those bimbo's that Drew sucked face with would stare at me with envy. That'd be

the life.

"Wake up sweetie, we're here," Drew's sweet voice brings me to reality, and I open my eyes to find myself back in his SUV, and Drew's angelic face hovering above me.

"Oh, hay-lo," I smile a crooked smile and he laughs, getting out of the car. He doesn't even bother opening my door to act like a gentleman, he just starts walking ahead into Kasey's Corner. I get out of the car, pursing my lips together and crossing my arms in front of me. He was about to enter the building when he realizes after what seems like centuries that I'm not following him. He turns around, cocking his head to the side, an eyebrow arching up.

"You know, we didn't come all the way here to see you stand by my car," Drew walks over to me, I narrow my eyes at him, shoving him back a little, but he manages to block me before I can react.

"You could have been a gentleman and opened the door," I complain, he laughs and shakes his head, linking his arm with mine and walking me to the entrance.

"Here, happy?" He opens the door and waits for me to go in. I think of a smart comment.

"No no, ladies first Drew!" I wait for him to go in first, holding back a smile. He narrows his eyes at me, then smiles.

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