The Day My Mother Died, Changed My Life - Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine – A new start, and problems ahead.

-Katie’s point of view- (AN! -she needed a say, as her part in the last chapter lagged:3 but i don’t think there will be many parts of Katie’s pov for a while after this, until things get more.. Important(‘: But this bit needed to be added, it'll pay a huge part to the rest of the story)

Being alone is nothing new to me.

I sat in my room; well I can’t actually call this my bedroom because it isn’t, not yet anyway. I sat upright in my bed thinking of how worse off today could have gone, but thank god things went okay.

Josh and Corey being all loved up is going to take a while to get used to, not only is my brother gay. But Corey too? I’m not going to lie because it’s not fair but I do have feelings for Corey still, but who wouldn’t. But I’m far from jealous, miles and miles away. I’ll keep telling myself that.

I walked over to the window ledge and stared up at the big bright moon, full moon tonight huh? I have always wondered where did people get the myth that the moon was made of cheese. It’s close to the sun, so obviously the cheese would melt see what I mean?; it’s not logical what so ever. I sat on the window ledge leaning on the wall and brought my legs up to my chest, effectively hugging them. I sat here staring out at the dark night just thinking of nothing. After yawning three times decided it was time for bed, I changed into a big long top as most of my clothes were still packed. Switching the light out I climbed into bed, i pulled the duvet up to my neck and sighed. I’ll get used to this new chapter of my life soon i guess, nothing is going to change soon. Moving out of Moms house suddenly makes everything feel more real now, like mom wasn’t really gone, she wasn’t on a long vacation. But now I don’t have the house to remind me of her and i guess Dad because he was still a part of my life to. Maybe he wasn’t the sort of dad everyone dreams of having but no one is perfect right? I know he caused all of this, and I’m not covering up for his mistakes. I just miss him.

I turned onto my side and sighed, letting sleep take over.


I woke up with the sun brightly shining on my face, everything was silent. Meaning i was the first one awake, i got out of bed throwing on my robe wrapping it around my torso and tied it up. I quickly grabbed a hair bobble, putting up my hair into a messy bun after that i walked over to some boxes which were piled up at the left side of my bedroom. My room was a decent size it was L shaped room with my double bed around the corner with enough space to walk down the side. A window was to the opposite side my bed, around the corner was a desk with my laptop on it that I’d unpacked last night. In the right corner was a walk in wardrobe that was completely empty apart from a few boxes ladled ‘Katie’s clothes’. I walked the empty wardrobe, picking up the nearest box to the door, carrying it to my bed and opened it. I piled all different clothing up into piles i also colour coded it, i like to be organised! I piled up t-shirts, leggings, jeans, underwear, dresses and hoodies and a lot more. After I’d empted that box i picked up all of my t-shirts and walked into my wardrobe. Putting them into it neatly, i did this for everything I’d unpacked. Then after i finished that box i started on the others.

I looked at the time 9:35 i looked around my room which was now looking a little bit more like my own. There were a few posters on the walls, my desk now full of my things e.g.: Photo frames, pencils and pens stacked into my pencil holder, books piled up, my laptop and speakers. I turned around and walked around the corner, my bed was now made with duvet covers with fireworks on them all brightly coloured.

To the side of my bed there was a bed side table covered in colourful stickers, my clock sat on the top with a book by the side. In the window sill was a picture of the whole family, Mom and Dad looking into each other’s eyes smiling, they looked so in love. Then me with my arms around Josh, we both had such a wide smile on our faces. Then the triplets were all sat cross legged on the floor, all with little flower headbands on their head they all had smiles on their faces. I smiled at the photo, we all look so happy in that picture. Now look at us all, mom no longer here all because of dad. Dad regretting ever meeting mom and having kids, he’s still probably on the run from the police. We haven’t heard anything i think they’ve given up on looking for him i don't blame them. Then us we’re living in Josh’s boyfriends house, which happens to be one of mothers best friends. I know living here is for the best for everyone but it doesn’t stop me feeling helpless in all this. I wish i could support my family properly and not have to live under someone else’s roof.

The Day My Mother Died, Changed My Life -(BoyxBoy)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora