The Day My Mother Died, Changed My Life - Chapter Two

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Chapter two - why me?

“Son, I’m sorry we can’t do anything for your mother now, we arrived too late” I stood there wishing that he’d killed me instead of her. If you’d have heard Kimberly’s scream when Skye told her that mother was dead, even you would wish it on yourself and not her. I felt tears fall down my cheeks as I thought about how wonderful things were before I came out. I killed her; I made myself gay and it killed her. I wiped away my tears; I don’t deserve to let the pain out.                                                        “Son, we have to take your mother now, she can’t stay here. I will contact you in a few days and you will need to arrange a funeral for your mother. We will be informing the police”-                                                              “I killed her, it was me. No need to call them I’ll hand myself in.” I cut him off.
“Don’t think that, we heard from your friend Skye, that it was your father” he said with concern. I stood up straight and said “I killed her, I told my parents I’m gay, it sent my dad off the rails. He shot her yes, but I caused the murder sir. Just take me to the police station” I heard Kimberly gasp. I looked to the floor “Josh don’t do that to us, we need you. You’re my brother, and because of that I will love you gay or not. We don’t care. What happened to mother wasn’t your fault; I know you would never kill her.” She came over to me and looked me in the eyes; her eyes looked sore and red from crying. Her cheeks were rose pink, she looked so fragile and hurt I pulled her into a hug and kissed her cheek. “Things are okay Kim, I’m not going anywhere nor am I going to ever let our father back into our life’s’ and that is a promise.” Everyone knows when I promise, I don’t just mean I promise. It’s like I promise you the world but only in reality terms.                                                   *-*-*                                                                                Things got harder, as time passed Skye helped me tell Katie, Teresa and Lola. Katie took it in her stride with a few tears shed, she more angry when I told them I was gay. Judge mental bitch, was she there when our father killed our mother, no but she still has the ability to be like him. Teresa and Lola took it horribly they cried for a while, it hurts to see them cry more than physical pain. I ordered food in from mothers’ money box; we didn’t really eat anything we just talked around the table about how mother used to be. Everyone went to bed with a kiss from me and Skye, she was really the best friend ever, to help me through this and see everything I saw. “Josh, are you okay” Skye asked with tears in her eyes. That’s when she broke down she had kept so well. But everyone has to let it out sometime. I stood up and pulled Skye into a hug she cried on my shoulder for a while in till she thanked me. She asked if she could stop the night, she didn’t want to face her parents. She said she wanted to sleep with the triplets to give me some space so she got into bed with Kimberly. I’m alone now, completely alone. I walked up the stairs, checking on the triplets and Skye, I made my way into Katie’s room and I could hear a muffled sound of someone crying. I knocked on the door, “who is it” Katie said trying to keep her voice from breaking. “Josh” is all I answered; she came to the door and let me in. Her room was a dark blue colour, with hearts painted on the walls. There was a picture of mother and father on her bed, with tissues around it. I looked up at her pretty face, her hazelnut brown hair was matted and wet from the tears, she looked bad. “I’m sorry Josh; I never meant to offend you about you being gay. I just don’t know how to say this. You and dad we’re never that close, something stopped you from bonding the way me and your sisters did. We all had a close thing with him and for us we’ve lost a mother and father. For you you’ve lost the only person who understood you. Dad wasn’t the greatest parent in the world but I miss him.” She spoke the truth, she had lost both of her parents for me it was only like losing one and she tried to get to be thought being gay, she wanted me to feel the way she did. We sat there for a while just thinking, then she broke the silence. “I love you Josh.” That made me smile, I and Katie don’t have a great relationship but this was great. She made me feel a little better, “Josh, I have got to sleep, I have work tomorrow” I stood up, and hugged her tight I told her that everything was going to be fine. She thanked me and got into bed, I kissed her cheek and told her to sleep, and I closed her door and walked into my bedroom. I took out my phone from my pocket, I had 3 messages, one from a number that I didn’t recognise it said ‘Skye told me what happened, if u need me, cum to big park, Corey x’ the other two messages where off Andy asking if Skye was home yet. I texted back that we needed to talk to him in the morning and that he should come down after 12. School started in 2 days, I had 2 days to plan my mother’s funeral, look after 4 sisters, and get over my mother’s death, because that’s possible? I fell asleep, thinking if I hadn’t have told them that I’m gay would my mother still be here.                                                                       

I woke up with Skye climbing into my bed, “Josh, I can’t sleep.” I rapped my arms around her waist and pulled her closely into me. “Thank you josh” We both fell asleep, and thats when the dreams began.

The Day My Mother Died, Changed My Life -(BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now