Prologue- Births and Deaths

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Mum was in labour again.

 Last time it was me, but now it was our new baby brother or sister. By ‘we’ I mean I’m the youngest of seven. Not the most fun thing in the world.

 The worst part was when people would ask you what it was like to be one of seven. I would reply with ‘ugh’ or ‘why do you care?’

 The biggest gap between us would be almost twenty-two years. It was between Wyatt and Carter and the newest edition to our family. Wyatt and Carter-the twins-are chalk and cheese. Wyatt loves sport and Carter loves books. Wyatt got C’s and Carter got A’s.

 The rest of us had about a two-year gap at most, proving my parents went at it like bunnies. From the twins it was then the quads: Dalton, Grant, Lilia and Kai. They were twenty and still lounging at home, with no job or money. Then there was me, eighteen in under a month, trying desperately to push through college.

 I am the odd one of the group, they all have brown hair and blue eyes and I have blonde hair and China eye. Meaning that my left eye is brown and my right eye is blue. It made me a laughing stock at school. People found it funny, to mock me for my eyes saying that ‘I’m a freak’.

 I’m also pretty much ignored by my family at home; apart from my only sister Lilia and sometimes Carter. They treat me like a bratty seventeen year old, that had be looked after twenty- four seven.

 News flash I’m going to be a legal adult in a month, I don’t need looking after.

 Maybe my attitude was to blame but they could at least treat me with a bit more respect. I thought that older siblings were meant to teach and guide you. Show that they loved and would help you no matter what.

 Obviously not the case.

 Feeling a nudge against my shoulder, I turned to my left. “What’s got you lost in thought?” Lilia asked, not looking my way but staring at the door that held our mother.

 “Nothing much, just hoping for another girl.”

 Lilia blew out hot air “That’s not going to happen, Amorie.”

 Just before I could reply a young-ish nurse stepped out of the labour room “Are you the family of Ms. Blakemoore?” she said in a monotone voice.

 We all nodded simultaneously and she continued, “Ms. Blakemoore is suffering from a rather large blood haemorrhage. We are going to have to deliver the baby by caesarean. The baby will be taken straight to ICU and your mother will be prepared for a blood transfusion. We have enough of her blood type to make up the two pints she’s already lost.”

 "Thanks.” Wyatt said boldly and the nurse shot him a smile before turning away and re-sterilising her hands.

 Wyatt had never showed emotion, ever. I remember when I was four and he was eight and a half, he fell out of a tree. He cracked three ribs and broke his ankle, but he didn’t once cry or complain.

 Carter was avoiding everyone’s eye contact, as his eyes darted nervously around the blank canvas of a hallway. Hospitals always gave me the creeps. The rooms and hallways were too white and everywhere was too quiet- apart from the occasional groan in pain.

 The delivery ward was a different story. It was really noisy with all the mums-to-be crying out in pain. Midwifes would dash from room to room, desperately trying to help all the women. The dads-to-be would wonder aimlessly around the ward, trying to kill time.

 I stared at the ground for God knows how long. As harsh as it sounds I blamed my mum’s boyfriend for this. After all mum said, she didn’t want any more children and now she could die giving birth.

Abandoned to be reclaimed {Coming Soon}On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara