Chapter 7|A Father's Death

Start from the beginning

“Oh, Gray and I just joined their group two days ago,” Lucy replied.

“Anyways, what about you, Zeref. . . ? Your name is Zeref, right?” Gray asked.

“Yes. I was a businessman. I know my job and Natsu’s are far from similar, but he preferred to work at a place where food was and I got to run the business after our dad passed away,” Zeref said.

“Right. Dragneels.Inc,” Gray replied.

“Welp, I'm tired. Goodnight,” Natsu said, then fell asleep immediately, flat on the ground. Zeref, being the kind and caring brother he is, put Natsu’s head on his lap, as the others watch in awe.

“It's been a tiring day. Rest,” Erza said. She yawned and stretch before leaning onto the oak tree.

“Wait. Where's dad?” Sting asked.

“You're right. It's been more than 10 minutes,” Yukino replied. “He usually comes back before 10 minutes.”

“Ugh. Just as I was about to fall asleep,” Gray groaned.

“Zeref. Wake Natsu up,” Erza ordered.

“Natsu. Wake up,” he shook his brother slowly, but Natsu didn't want to wake up, so he said, “I have pizza.”

“Huh? What?” he got up immediately.

“I lied.”

“That was mean,” the pink haired boy glared at his brother. “What's wrong?” he looked at Erza.

“Weisslogia hasn't come back,” Gray answered. “You shouldn't have slept to know, idiot.”

“You're the idiot for calling me an--”

“Natsu!” Erza scolded him and Gray smirked. “Let's go.”


“I have the feeling that it wasn't a zombie that caught him,” Evergreen thought out loud.

“Are you saying that he found us?” Elfman asked, worried, Evergreen replied with a look that replied ‘yes’. “But it hasn't even been a week!”

“He's not stupid. He gave us five days to prepare, yet we didn't. I'm just worried about Mira. He could be coming after her again,” Laxus said. He didn't sound worried one bit, but his friends knew he was panicking as hell.

“Don't worry. That bookworm and piercings boy is with her,” Evergreen replied.

“You know, they could be working for him,” Elfman pointed out.

“Ugh! You're right! Why did I leave Mira alone with them?!” Laxus shouted in frustration.

“Lax, calm down. You're tired. I can go run back, if you want,” Evergreen suggested.

“We're almost out of town an--”

Laxus cut him off, “and we haven't found Bicks yet. That means that bloody son of a gun did capture Bickslow!”

“Crap. He could be after Mira-Nee!” and Elfman ran back.

“Oi, you big idiot! Come back!” and Evergreen chased after her boyfriend. Laxus knew they will protect his wife, so he left them to search for Bickslow.

“Eva! Catch up!” Elfman yelled, but got no response. “Ever?” he turned around to find nothing. “Ever!”


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