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Hey y'all! So today was a very shitty day. I woke up around 930-ish and I had to let the dogs out. (Btw I have 2 dogs, lily and blu, both pit bull puppies (will insert a pic)) (lily is brown and blu is white)

 (Btw I have 2 dogs, lily and blu, both pit bull puppies (will insert a pic)) (lily is brown and blu is white)

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But anyway, so I let the dogs out and I realize my parents aren't up. It's typical for the weekends so I don't really pay attention to it.
So now it's like 12 and my parents still aren't up and haven't even come out of their room. I ate some cereal because they weren't gonna get up and feed me. So I wasn't surprised they weren't up. I was pissed tho. So I was just on my phone watching YouTube.
Then around 2-ish my dad emerges from their room. He comes up, warms up food and goes back downstairs. Surprisingly he acknowledges me. All he says is good morning and asks what im doing. Not a "Are you hungry?" "Are you ok?" "How'd you sleep?" None of that. Pero it's ok. It's Gucci.
Now it's like 5-ish and they've only emerged 1 more time other then earlier. So a total of 2 times. Shameful. It's w.e. tho. I'm cool. So now I'm irritated cuz a girl could've been dead up here. (I'm very dramatic so bear with me) I could've slipped and fell and cracked my head open. And yes it could've happened bc accidents happen everyday when people die. Sooooo, I don't wanna hear that I'm dtm. If you ask me I'm dtl. (Doing the least) .
Now I'm hangry. I haven't eaten since earlier and I haven't had human contact all day. And Ik you're probably wondering "well, Chloe, why didn't you go down there and say hey or ask to go somewhere?" Welp, here's my rebuttal, my parents don't like to be bothered on the weekend especially on a Sunday when they've been in bed all darn day. So if I asked, I would've gotten smacked up/and or yelled at and told that I'm annoying and I'm always bothering them and my self esteem can't take that rn, so no.
So by this point I'm very p'd off. I call my grandma and ask her to bring me food. She does and I'm feeling a tad bit better, but not that much better. Then I go downstairs and ask my mom "are you washing school clothes?" This bee with an itch says to me "is the washer on?" With so much mf sarcasm in her voice I feel like popping her. She gives me a dirty look too. I glance @ the b-word and close the darn door b4 I snap. Don't get me wrong, I love my mother to death, always there for me and everything but she can't be a hoe sometimes and just rude asf and it's pisses me off.
I go upstairs Trynna calm myself like "she ain't worth it, we cool, it's ok, she don't matter" but like frfr, did she need to answer w/ sarcasm? Like she could've have just said "no Chloe, but I am rn. Are your school clothes down here?" Like, that's all she had to say. Then I eat my dinner my g-ma brought me and start to do my hw.
Theeeeeeen, the hw starts to pisss me off. It's so stupid and is about stuff we didn't even learn. And now I'm writing about my day on  wattpad. What has my life come to? Anyway. Now it's 12:20 a.m. on a Sunday. So I should get my but to bed. Feel free to leave feed back and talk 💩 with me. Love you hoes and see you next time 💕💕

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⏰ Última actualización: Mar 12, 2018 ⏰

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