Chapter 1

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"Thank you so much for having me. I enjoyed the night with you guys" I said to the crowd. I bowed in a second and quickly went to the dressing room.

"What are you doing here Jun?" I asked my brother. He's sitting comfortably at the couch.

"I'm just here to check if you're alright" he said as he walks towards me.

"Why do you need to check me out? I'm always alright" I said. I stared at my reflection in the mirror and there's nothing to worry about.

"I'll go now at the afterparty then" he said before he went away. I removed my makeup and changed my clothes as soon as possible. I just wanna lay on my bed now.

I immediately walked outside and bumped into someone.


"Oh" I said as I picked her things that scattered on the floor.

"Thank you" she replied and I just nodded my head leaving her behind.

I stepped inside the car and let myself be comfortable on the car. Still need to travel for 3 hours before we reached my condo unit.

I dialed Jun's number and he answered it right away.

"I saw the snake again" I said. I opened the chips and eat it while traveling.

("Really? Did she bite you?" Ya know, snakebites are quite dangerous") he said while laughing.

"Shut up" I said while chewing the chips on my mouth.

("Where are you?")

"Traveling back to my condo. Why?"

("I'm already here at the afterparty of the event. The snake is here with her girlfriend")

"I don't care. Why do you need to say that to me?" I exclaimed.

("Wow. You started the topic my sissy. They're so sweet. I'll send their photos you want?")

"Shut the fuck up" I shouted and the driver worriedly looked at me. I just signaled my hand that I'm alright.

"Hahaha. I thought you don't care anymore? You should go here" he said and I immediately ended the call. I hate him when he's teasing me about Sana.


Currently eating at the afterparty of the event. Almost all of my friends performed at Big Seoul Festival.

"Where's Tzuyu?" I asked Jun.

"She texted me that she hates me so much" Jun replied with a fake sob. I don't know if he's actually a guy or a gay.

"Are you gay?" I asked and he immediately raised his eyebrows.

"Tzuyu is traveling back to her condo" he replied, ignoring my question.

Tzuyu became so distant after they broke their engagement. I don't know what actually happened but Sana is in a relationship with Eunha now. I never ask them because I don't want to invade anything. That's their decision and I'm just here to support them.

"I miss Tzuyu" Nayeon eonnie said as she bury her face on Jeongyeon's shoulder.

Sana is busy eating her food but I know she can hear us.

"Eunha" Nayeon eonnie said. She immediately looked at her but I know Nayeon eonnie doesn't have anything to say.

"Do you want to drink some wine?" She asked and Sana reacted so quick.

"I won't let my girlfriend drink a wine eonnie" Sana said. Nayeon eonnie just nodded her head and quickly drag Jeongyeon with her.

I followed them and she looked so pissed.

"We're not kids anymore. It's just a fucking wine" She exclaimed. Her eyebrows are now meeting in the middle.

"Relax eonnie" I said while tapping her shoulder.

"She's the reason why Tzuyu doesn't want to hang out with us. I hate her" she declared.

"Let's go back at the dorm now" Jeongyeon eonnie added.

"I hope you guys should accept the present now. Wether we like it or not, we should accept it. That's their decision"

"I'm trying to understand everything Momo. I just miss Tzuyu with us. I can say she's happy with her own life but she's totally different now" Nayeon eonnie said. I agree with her.

"Me too eonnie. I'm still trying to absorb everything" I replied to calm her down.

"Let's go?" Jeongyeon eonnie asked but Nayeon drag her hand and walked back at the table.

"What happened?" Dahyun asked and I just wrap my arm on her shoulder.

"Just a simple talk. Hehe" I replied and we continued to eat. We are so quiet and the only thing that we're hearing right now is the sound of the music coming from the speakers.

"Wazzup" Someone said at my back. I immediately looked who is it and it's Tzuyu. Nayeon eonnie quickly hugged her.

"You're finally here. I miss you so much" Nayeon eonnie said while cling on to Tzuyu. The atmosphere became more awkward.

"Do you want to drink some wine Tzu?" I asked and she quickly nodded her head. I gave her a glass of wine and I can see Sana in my peripheral view.

"This wine tastes so good" Tzuyu muttered.

"Why are you here?" Jun passed by and asked Tzuyu.

"Is it bad to come here Jun?"

"It's not bad sissy. Enjoy the night" he winked. Tzuyu furrowed her eyebrows while looking at his brother.

"I thought you're traveling back to your condo?" Eunha asked

"Is it bad to come here Eunha?" Tzuyu asked, repeating the question.

"It's not bad Tzuyu" Nayeon eonnie replied.

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