Tag #1

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Thank you @luvkuma for tagging me!
This is my first tag! I'm very excited!
Hope you guys enjoy!

Do you like school? Reason?
It's okay. I mean I like certain subjects and classes but school in general? Nah. I mean who likes school?

Are you the true person to curse anywhere and anytime?
Well, I have a tendency to let a few curse words fly in front of my friends and little sister. Normally though, I be careful of what comes out of my mouth.

What is your ultimate phobia?
I'm extremely afraid of spiders. 😱🕷😱
What is it called again? Arachnophobia. Also, I'm afraid of bugs and insects. Something about them freaks me out. Hey, that's something I have in common with Karry!

How's life so far?
Meh. Nothing's going on too special. I just finished interviewing my principal. That was fun. 😄😄

How do you feel now?
Happy because this is my first tag!

What's your ideal type for a future soulmate?
Caring, funny, and talkative. I'm a quiet person so I rather listen than talk. A chatty guy would help fill up the space. However quiet guys are okay too. If we can sit together in a room without talking for hours, just enjoying each other's company, I wouldn't mind that either.

Are you a perfect student in your school or just a normal student?
Heeee... I don't want to brag but I'm a straight A student. But I think everyone should be consider themselves perfect students. I mean you make contributions to the school. Every one of you make your school a better place. No one is normal.

Are you a senior in high school or a junior in middle school?
I'm actually a freshman in high school.

What's your zodiac sign?

What type of characteristics do you hate in a person?
I hate people that is nice in front of you but talk behind you when your not around.

. . . . .

Thanks for reading everyone!

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