Chapter Two

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Shushing Hope, bouncing her in my arms slightly, I listened to the conversation taking place in Hope's nursery between Elijah, Nik and Rebekah.

I had been quite rudely awakened this morning by Nik who ordered me to drive to the safe house housing Elijah, Avalee, Ansel, Caroline and my beautiful niece but it was all worth it. Meeting little Hope made up for my rude brother. Upon my arrival Caroline had reluctantly returned to New Orleans after making me promise to protect her with my life.

My only concern was that due to the unexpected trip I didn't have time to see Kol, which meant I was still worried and imagining all the things Finn could done to him. Which is a lot considering how angry he was.

Snapping out of it I focused on the phone call taking place.

"... and return to the subject of our supposed long-lost sister." Elijah said interrupting one of Nik and Bekah's many arguments. Even when he was only speaking to them both over the phone he was still putting a stop to their bickering.

I stilled as I registered his words. Freya was here. Sooner than expected. She must have slept in New Orleans to have been here so quick. Not needing to know anymore I moved away from the door and into the living room where I sat on the floor with Hope on my lap some toys already there for her. It wasn't very long before we were joined by Elijah. Avalee and Ansel had stepped out just after I arrived.

"Sister I believe we need to talk." I looked up at him as he sat on the couch across from us. "About a witch named Dahlia." How did I know this was coming?

"It's complicated." I stated shaking a toy in front of Hope. "To know about Dahlia, about who she is you need to know everything and..." I trailed off. Pulling myself up onto the chair, settling Hope I sighed. "When I re-joined the family a thousand years ago I swore to Finn I would never speak of her or anything relating to her. I preferred it that way to be honest." Kissing Hope's head, I looked up, eyes meeting his. "Considering the circumstances though I can no longer keep that vow."

Interest shone in his eyes. "Tell me everything."

"It begins before any of us were born. Esther had an older sister named Dahlia. Later in life, their village was attacked by Vikings and Dahlia used magic to protect them both which led to them being the only survivors as they were taken captive. Dahlia preformed the magic they wanted, mostly dark which protected Esther from them. A few years later Dahlia came up with a plan to escape but Esther had fallen in love with one of the Vikings. Mikael." Surprise covered his face when he realised I had just gave him the brief story of how his parents met. "Esther decided she didn't want to leave or practice magic any longer and when Dahlia told her the plan she revealed this and that she was marrying Mikael. She left that day, never returning and Dahlia escaped by herself days later." I paused seeing Hope asleep and stood to put her in the play pen. "After a year of marriage and no child Esther realised she was barren and went to the one person who could help her, to someone she knew would not turn her away as they were bound by blood. Even though Dahlia hated Mikael she still loved Esther and agreed to help her. A deal was made. She would give Esther the ability to have all the children she wanted on the agreement that she would be given every first, third and seventh born of every generation of her bloodline."

"Why? Why those children?" Elijah asked sitting forward slightly confused.

"Because of their bloodline. The Erikson bloodline produces powerful witches. No one knows why but the first is born with an enormous amount of power, the third more than double that and the seventh holds the most, stronger than even their power put together." I answered trying to explain. "This is where it gets complicated."

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