Chapter One

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Shifting, I buried my face into the pillow below me as I stretched. Upon feeling more awake I sat up yawning to see I was in my bedroom. My hand was bare of any numbers as it would be for a while, I was finally awake after sleeping for an entire year.

The door opened then to reveal Nik. I smiled seeing him and he smiled back coming to sit next to me. "Welcome back Little Fox." I was pulled in for hug and that was when I felt it. I could feel his happiness in seeing me but I felt more: pain, sorrow, anger. They were just some of the emotions rolling off him. Pulling away I noticed the grief in his eyes.

"Niklaus what has happened?"

Leaving my room an hour later freshly showered and dressed, I was beyond furious. Nik said he didn't have time to explain, something else needed his attention so instead he handed me a list of the important events I missed while asleep. He knew Kol usually did it so I would not be lost on what had happened. The list was longer than I expected, a lot having happened in a year. It was that list though that was fuelling my anger. Particularly the events that led to the one that stood out the most. My niece having to be given away.

My brother who had already been through so much and my best friend who saw the good in everyone had to give up their daughter to protect her, making others believe she was dead. And why? Because on the day of her birth she was nearly sacrificed by witches, witches led Esther. The witch who lived to hurt her own blood.

And that wasn't all she had done. She tortured Elijah, brought back Finn and Kol to do her bidding, one of which was causing havoc. Knowing Kol as well as do I knew he wouldn't do as she said unless he had no choice, she was probably holding his life in her hands. If he didn't listen to her, it would be good bye to him.

Something I was not going to let happen.

Awake for just over an hour and I was already jumping back into things in order to protect my family. Esther was a threat that needed to be dealt with, so was Finn if he couldn't be reasoned with. But first things first, I had a brother to see. And I knew exactly where to find him.

Arriving at the cemetery I quickly navigated my way through it to the mausoleum I knew to be Kol's playhouse, one he had created in the early 1900's. I knew I was right as jazz music could be heard as I got closer. Not wasting any time, I opened the door and entered to see the witch Octavia and a warlock. The warlock I knew my brother was in. Seeing their attention only on one another, I happily slammed the door shut causing them to jump away from each other and face me.

"Sorry, am I interrupting?" I asked going closer. "Oh well, you'll find I don't particularly care."

"Ever!" Octavia gasped in shock. "What are you doing here?" She demanded quickly overcoming it. "Last I heard you left town abandoning the people you call family when they needed you most."

I ignored her not caring what she heard or thought of me. Right now, all I cared about was the male staring back at me. The one I haven't taken my eyes off since arriving. A smirk, one I would know anywhere crept onto his face.

"Kol." I couldn't believe it. Holding his arms out wide, I ran into them, my own arms wrapping tightly around him. I didn't care if he looked different, all I cared about was that he was here, that... "Your alive," I stated pressing my head into his chest, "you're really here." He pushed me back then, his hands coming up to wipe away the tears I didn't even realise had fallen.

"There, now little sister. That's enough of that." He pushed some of my hair back. "Am I bloody glad to see you up and about." He smirked again and I returned it.

"Ok, I am obviously missing something here." We turned to a frowning Octavia.

"It's quite simple darling. Evermore here is my little sister, my favourite sibling. The only family I care about, except for Henrik. She was cursed a very long time ago and still has it today. She didn't leave O; her curse makes her sleep for a year every century and she can't control when." Kol explained and I took the time to peer round. The place hadn't changed much in the last hundred years. Looking at the things on the table I knew exactly what he was doing.

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