Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

╰☆╮ Skyla’s POV ╰☆╮

The power of seduction, huh? I like the sound of that, only, I doubt that I’ll try it out soon. But, the look on Monica’s face made it seem like she knew all about this. Well, of course she does. So, we learned a few things about seducing.

Rule #1- Always look sexy and smell good. I can’t imagine me looking sexy at all.

Rule #2- Flirt, make him feel special. I don’t know how to flirt as I said to Monica.

Rule #3- Touch him subtly. I’ll need a lot of confidence to do that.

Rule #4- Play hard to get. … … … …

It was obvious that I needed some more help with this. Actually, everybody in the group, except for Moni, looked in need of more help. The mentors sighed.

I didn’t pay attention to the mentors at all though. All I thought about is a certain somebody who’s caught my eye. I mean, I am interested in Shadow and we have like- everything in common. But it wasn’t love at first sight. I just felt pulled towards him. I felt like comforting him for whatever has happened to him and be there for him all the time. I think it’s another wacko power of my element. I could feel every emotion of everybody and know the reason why, but, because Shadow is a god, I can’t know the reason. I smiled to myself. Emo-type guys never seemed my type but he was just so hot.

“And what are you smiling about, Sky?” Hera says loudly, snapping me away from my trance of Shadow. The girls giggled and the mentors smirked. I blushed and huffed.

Everybody has been acting strange lately. All except for Megan, but I knew that there was something going on in her mind. She was obviously attracted to Nate when she first saw her and I could tell Nate was mutual. I’ve been dying to tease her about it, but I’ve been so busy with training that I always forget to tell her. We need a ‘G.N.O.’ as how Moni would say it.

Then, there was Peyton. She had a thing for Damon even though when she says he’s an arrogant, bad-tempered jerk.

Dana was also normal- blunt, harsh, and her hormones aren’t all out of the place

Kylie was improving. She’s gotten the courage to talk to Clay but she ended up smacking him when he did a player move on her. We were all very proud with her.

Then, there’s Monica. She still happens to remember the little incident when we got rejected and is still angry with Blaze for that. They have to get along since they’re elements cancel each other out but Moni keeps ignoring him.

But there was this one certain blue-eyed boy that caught my attention more than Shadow did. It was Storm, Blaze’s best friend. He seemed so mysterious and I can sense this evil aura around him. I need to stay away from him but I still had a feeling that I will get involved with him.

♫ Megan’s POV ♫

I was actually paying attention to what the mentors are saying because I probably needed some of this in the future, just in case Nate and I ever…

Enough with the dirty thoughts, Megan. It was the end of the lesson and the mentors said we had ‘homework’.

“For homework, you girls must attempt to seduce one male god for now.”

“Are you serious?” Peyton yells. “We barely know them yet we have to?! What if they hate us afterwards?”

“Then you girls must contemplate which man you get and must stay with them for a while. You girls have more than 1000 years to change your spouse so it’s fine. Now, pick one while we leave.”

They left and we all sat in a close circle.

“I call Nate.” I say first and fast.

Sky smirks. “I knew it.” I ‘hmph-ed’ and dramatically flipped my hair. Moni stared at me as if I was mocking her. I raised my hands in surrender and she smiles.

“I want Clay.” Kylie says.

“Right after he acted like a total dickhead and you smacked him?” Peyton laughs. Kylie nods.

“Well, I’m not looking for any love but I’m taking Rave, since all of you have your own and the only two boys left are Storm and Rave. So, I’ll just take Rave. I get a bad vibe from Storm.” We all nodded in agreement.

“I’ll take the asshole Damon then since there is only Blaze and Shadow now.”

“I’m taking Sh-“Monica says but got cut off by Sky.

“I’m taking Shadow, Monica.”

Monica pouts. “Fine, I’ll take Blaze.” I was just as excited and nervous as everyone else was. Okay, first all I needed to do was make a little talk with him. Nothing to overreact about. But why do I get this churning feeling in my stomach?

We all depart and I slowly made my way towards Nate’s mansion. The angels let me in and bowed down respectfully towards me. I smiled warmly at them back. “Master Nate is still training, Mistress Megan. You can wait here if you like.”

“I can wait here. Thank you.” I say politely. I learned my manners from my mentor.

“Would you like some tea?”


The angel nods and goes somewhere to get the tea. While she was gone, I did some serious contemplating. What if he got into a fight with his mentor and he didn’t even want to talk to me? What if I was too clingy? What if I make a fool out of myself and do something embarrassing? Thoughts run through my head as I sipped my tea. “My, my-“I heard a deep voice say. Crap, it was a mentor.”-I wasn’t expecting visitors here at all.” Then, Nate came and god… He was sweating but it totally looked hot. “What brings you here, Goddess of Time?”

“Ummm…” I scratched the back of my head nervously. “I wanted to talk to Nate because I usually talk to everybody and I never got a chance to do it with him.” I said fast.

The mentor chuckled. “Very well, then. You don’t mind do you, Nate?”

“Not at all.” Nate says, voice melting every square inch of my soul. He sits and drinks some water and the mentor leaves.

“I’m Megan.” I say when we were all alone.

“Nate.” Then, we went into a period of awkward silence.

“So…” I trailed trying to think about what to say, “I heard you like All Time Low.”

He smiled warmly at me. “All of you girls really look like girlie girls. I didn’t think one of them knew All Time Low.”

“Oh, well a few of us like All Time Low and that’s because the mentors forced us to wear such clothes. It’s not fair that guys get to wear whatever they want.”

I saw Nate’s shoulder go down a bit. That’s probably a sign that shows that he’s comfortable with me. I smiled. “I do like All Time Low. Funny story actually, people in my old group at school always say I look like Alex Gaskarth and I had no idea who he was until I searched on YouTube one day and I immediately became a fan of them because I liked their music.” I nodded. He does look like Alex. Maybe that’s why I was instantly attracted to him. “How did you become a fan?”

“Oh, I was YouTubing and came across a song when I was in 6th grade and I basically fell in love with their music.” I reply.

“I see. Well, what other bands do you like?” He asks.

“Like is an understatement.” I pointed out. “Anyways, I love We Are in the Crowd, Hey Monday, The Maine, Young Guns, Blink 182, Forever the Sickest Kids, Fall Out Boy, and more.”

“Really? I like all those bands too.”

I smiled even wider. We have all the same favorite bands in common. Some more angels came in with some fruit punch. They came later then I thought they would but we didn’t question them. I took a sip of my fruit punch. Why does it taste so weird? I ignored it and started feeling funny and light-headed. Soon, the weird taste from the fruit punch tasted delicious. I gulped it all down. I actually started to feel more confident.

“So, Nate.” I say. “What’s your favorite color?”

“Green. How about yours?”


“Favorite movie?”

“The Fifth Element.”

“Isn’t your element #5 on the elements list?”

“I think it is? How do you know that?”

“I memorized the whole list.” I lied, I actually only paid attention to the girl’s elements and only Nate’s.

“Cat or dog?”

Nate laughed. “Really, Megan? Dog.”

“Does your drink taste weird?”

“No, why?”

“Nothing. My drink tastes gooood.” I’m starting to think that somebody put alcohol in my drink.

Nate gives me a weird look. “Let me see your cup.” I handed it to him. He smells it. “Yea, somebody put alcohol in your drink.” I immediately knew that the girls did it, but I didn’t care. I’ll kill them later. Right now, I wanted to go to bed.

“I’m sleepy.” I get up and start walking. I lost my balance and fell but I felt somebody caught me. The person carried me bridal style and I smelled him. He smelled so good. The guy chuckled and I was dropped onto bed. Then, the smell was gone. “Wait! Don’t go!” I yell to the person.

“Okay, okay. I won’t, Megan.” How did this guy know my name? It was blurry but I saw the guy take off his shirt. Oh hell yea, he looks so sexy. I was aware that I was drunk but I did know what was going on.

The guy takes a few pillows and puts them on the ground. “Noooo, sleep with me.” I said feeling alone. Wow, I sound so slut-like and desperate. This guy probably thinks I’m a whore.

The guy gave a sigh which probably meant that he was giving in but he did a cute smile. He takes a shirt out of his drawer. “Here, wear this to sleep.” It was the signed All Time Low shirt Nate wore the other day. So this was Nate?!

“But isn’t this shirt special to you?”

“Just wear it. I’ll get it back tomorrow.”

“Okay.” I say and Nate leaves the room so I can change into the shirt. It smells like him. I strip and put the shirt on. It was big enough to cover my mid-thighs. I felt like Peyton. She would always bunk at my house and wear one of Jackson’s t-shirt. She said mines were ‘pink and girlie’. I don’t ever have that much pink clothes!

When I was done I plopped down on his bed which smelled exactly like him. Nate gets back in the room and lies down next to me. “Are you sure this is alright? You’re drunk remember?”

“It’s perfect. Goodnight, Nate.”

“At least you’re not that drunk enough to remember my name.” He chuckled. “Night, Megan.”

“You’re really cute.” I blurted out and then my eye lids grew heavy.

“You’re really beautiful.” Was what I heard and I fell asleep.

╰☆╮ Skyla’s POV ╰☆╮

WOW. I was definitely not expecting that. When Kylie said to spike the drink with some weak alcohol, I thought Megan would do something she would regret. But that’s just… That’ just… SO CUTE! Kylie really is smart. I felt really bad though that she was drunk though. Tomorrow, she was definitely going to kill us.

I decided to leave while the girls continued to watch those two sleeping in the water camera TV in a pot thingy like the creeps they are. That is one of the things Moni can do with water. I leave out of her mansion and bump into Blaze and Storm. I gulped. I needed to avoid these two.

“Hey, Sky.” Blaze says flashing a toothy smile.

“Hi.” I say quietly. I wasn’t looking at him. My gaze was really on Storm and he seems to be staring back.

“Is Monica here?”

“Yea, she’s being a total stalker right now, so right now isn’t the best time.”

“Oh, I see. I always come at the wrong time. She’s usually so pissed when I see her.”

“Well, it’s because you piss her off.”

“Really? Why? Is it because I didn’t hook up with her in Canobie?”

“Yea, it’s like that. She despises every guy who rejects her.”

“Wow.” I nodded and said bye to them and quickly Storm grabs my wrist hard. I flinched.

“Shit.” He says huskily and I had no idea why I found that so hot. Fuck my hormones. He is a bad guy, Sky. Don't talk about him like that, you idiot. Stay away from him and you'll be happy. He lets go. “Sorry.”

“It’s alright.” I say rubbing my wrist. “So, what’s up?” Blaze was staring at us confusingly. I was confused as well. Storm was a quiet person and he’s never done anything like that before.

“Nothing…” He says but I knew it wasn’t anything. It was something.

“Okay. Well, good night, Storm.” I flash him a smile and I felt him feel surprised and kind of… Happy?

He gives me a small smile back. “Good night, Sky.”



   A chapter that's little bit longer. ^.^ I've been focusing on Megan and Sky lately and I then realize that the other girls needs love too. Anyways, I need to give credit to SunriseOnTheEastSide because I don't know anything about some stuff.

Enjoy!  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Song <3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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~From the best girl in the world, V.T.ღ

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