Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

╰☆╮ Skyla’s POV ╰☆╮

                I slowly open my eyes, as I wonder why I’m not in eternal slumber. I looked around and saw this beautiful place- a garden to be exact. There were wild flowers blooming everywhere and roses and vines were wrapped around the frame/arch of my bed. Was this really heaven? I get up out of the cozy bed and pillow and notice that I was completely naked.

                Then, some nightingales- A.K.A. the birds who killed me- flew around me and held out a robe for me to wear. I looked at them weirdly and let them slip it on me. They tied a golden ribbon around my waist and other birds carried a pair of white flats.

                I put them on and went down the stone path and look around the place.

                “So,” a heavenly female voice says and everything disappears and turns into white, “You must be god # 13, Skyla Felicity Valens.” Then, the woman appears. She was beautiful. The woman had dark hair and brown eyes. Her tall figure over whelmed me and what weird-ed me a bit was that she was floating down towards me. I nodded slightly, unsure on what to do in this situation. So the fortune lady was right?

                “I like your composure, Skyla. Usually, when people die, they just die and their souls get eaten by the god of death or darkness.” She smiled warmly at me. I smiled back, wondering why she was telling me this. “Well, Skyla. As you know, you are a goddess and right now, this is place is not called heaven or paradise. This place is where all the blood and fights will be taking place by the other 12 gods and goddesses.”

                I looked at her confusingly. “What do you mean?”

                “Let’s get on with the basics first and then I’ll tell you.” I nodded and she snapped her fingers and the whole place suddenly turned into a small garden. She points towards the arch where there is a table and some tea on it. I sit on a chair and she sits on the other one. “My name is Hera.”

                “As in the Greek Goddess ‘Hera’?”

                “Somewhat. I am a goddess, but not Greek. I do resemble some of her special abilities though.” I nodded slowly. “Anyways, for thousands of years, there were 13 gods and goddesses. They all have lived for many years and their powers have worn out. Much like a retirement from their job. Before they all die, they must choose their own next-god or goddess to take their place to keep the world and all humanity in balance. So, each god is given their own elements and they must past it down to the next one.”

                “The elements are not your typical movie elements. They are water, fire, weather/wind, earth, light, darkness, life, death, time, music and art, chaos, order, and emotions. You, Skyla, have the element of emotions and I am the goddess of emotions. I am here to teach you all about your new powers and how special they are.”

                “Each and every person who has been chosen as a god will die in the order from the number that’s greatest to least. You are 13, so you have died first. The next person to die is #12, which is the goddess of order, or shall I say your friend, Peyton Rose Clinton. Then, the next God #11, the god of chaos, will die and the previous god of chaos will teach him.”

                I nodded again. “How long will it take for everybody to get here?”

                “It will take thirteen days. But since you are here now, it is only 12.”

                “So somebody will die every day?”

                She nodded. “Now, I will teach you everything you need to know and how to use your powers until it is time for me to go.”

                “How long will you be teaching me?”

                “Until everybody is done teaching the next god.”

                I didn’t ask any more questions. “So, for every god, they can summon things for their own need and today, that will be what we are concentrating on.” She holds out her hand and this energy pink ball thingy forms on it. “Touch it. This is a small fraction of my power. It will grow day by day and I will give you little by little so your power will surpass mine. The power will transfer in you.”

                I poke it and I felt energy running through me as a strong force flew out of it. Once the whole thing was gone, I felt stronger, as if I can run all around the world twice.

                “Now, Skyla, concentrate and picture whatever you want in your hand. Put the energy I gave you all into that hand.”

                I sighed and concentrated. I pictured a potato and tried to summon it. Surprisingly, it wasn’t that hard and I had a potato in my hand. “Wow, a potato.” Hera laughed. “What made you want a potato?” I smiled and shrugged. “It didn’t even look like you had a difficult time. I struggled when I was trying to learn this.”

                I shrugged again. “I’m a fast learner?”

                “Alright, that’s good. Then I will have no trouble with teaching you like how the previous god before me did.”

                “Why did you struggle?” I ask.

                “I don’t know. It was just hard. The other gods struggled as well.”

                “Oh.” Was all I could say. We continued to practice the summoning thing until it was night time and she gave me a tiny more of her power- which seemed like a lot to me. Then, I go to sleep. Tomorrow, I was going to see Peyton. A smile crept on my face and I fell asleep on the comfy, luxurious white bed. Maybe this would be alright. I won’t have to lose anybody I love anymore. I’ll make new friends. I’ll try to stop any fights.

                I think I might like this, yet, there’s a feeling. A feeling that a lot of drama might happen.



   Yay, a short chapter. I had to end it there because I'm dying in this summer heat. -.- I hope this chapter makes the story a little bit more interesting. I know I made a lot of mistakes. I'll fix them later when I get the chance to.

   I will add the romantic parts later. Byyye~! <3




And I will love you forever,

Doo, doo, doo~

   Love, V.T.

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