Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Sky’s POV

I decided to put on a Pierce the Veil t-shirt and some shorts. I mean, it was just karaoke so it’s not like I have to go so formal. I don’t really want to sing though. I’m really shy when it comes to that.

I’m really worried about going to earth. Would anybody recognize us? I believe it is summer right now on Earth so maybe everybody is on vacation? That means somebody could easily spot us.

I fixed my hair before leaving my room and head towards Megan’s place. I was stopped half way there though by Moni. Uh oh, this wasn’t good. Usually, Monica would go ape shit on me if I had a date. She’d fuss on what I’d wear and stuff. It’s annoying.

“Excuse me, young lady. Where do you think you’re going with that on?” She eyed my up and down. “That is no appropriate clothes for a date. I need to have a word with you and Megan because probably both of you are probably wearing the same thing!” She grabbed my hand. “Come along now.” We walked over toward Megan’s mansion.

When we got there Megan was wearing an All Time Low t-shirt and shorts. She looked at me with worry because Monica is here and Monica is a fashion freak.

“Okay,” Moni starts, “I know you girls want to show up as yourself but you need to wear something showier. If you want to complete the goddesses’ homework, seduction, then I need you to wear some shorter shorts. Maybe you guys can wear a tank top with a band logo on it. Plus it’s really hot out there and it could get hotter if you know what I mean.” She winks.

This girl and her perverted thoughts. At least she agreed about wanting for us to wear what we want but I’m not comfortable wearing too short shorts.

We knew we would lose against an argument with her, we just went along. I wore an Of Mice & Men tank top with their logo in the front and the “This is faithfulness at its finest” quote on the back.

Since they didn’t have a girl size, I had to get the male version but it still looked pretty good on me. It was pretty long and almost covered my denim shorts.

Megan wore a My Chemical Romance tank top that had a cut off neck and sides, showing a red, strapless mini tank top on the side. Monica strongly approved of it, seeing as it shows more skin. It covered half of her dark denim jeans.

For once, I actually think that I was okay looking but then I saw Megan and the little bit of my self-esteem came crashing down low again. Of course Megan is beautiful so she would look way hotter than me. I didn’t say anything though. I usually never keep anything from the girls but if it was how low my self-esteem was, I probably would.

Soon, we were greeted by Nate and Shadow outside.

By the looks of it, they liked how we were dressed since they were checking us out. I decided to curl my hair, or at least try to. Practically Moni ripped the hair curling iron out of my hands and curled my hair for me since I suck.

“You’re hair looks pretty, as it always does.” Shadow compliments.

I smiled shyly and thanked him. Megan nudged me and sent a smirk. I glared at her. I swear if she tries anything, I will kill her.

“I like your tank top.” Nate says to Megan and she thanked him as well.

We then go through the portal thing and end up in the forest where nobody could see us.

After we exit, we let Nate and Shadow lead us to the karaoke venue. This was New York so we weren’t really familiar with it. We enter the unfamiliar bar with them. I bet they reserved a whole room.

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