The Ex-Partner

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Keith burst through the door of the hotel room. "Lance better be here or I swear to god!"

Pidge stood with her hands up in defense. "Keith, I didn't see-"

Keith grabbed her shoulders, "Where is he?!"

Her voice trembled with worry and regret. Her wide eyes sparkled with panic as they stared at the angry Keith. She spoke cautiously, barely audible. "They got him."

Keith took a couple strained breaths, collecting his thoughts and processing what he just heard. He calmed his voice, hardening it to hide his anxiety. "Is he alive?"

Pidge's eyes shimmered. She shook her head, "I don't know."

Keith shook her by the arms, "You were supposed to watch him!"

"I know!" She sobbed.

"What the fuck were you doing?!"

"I know!" She screamed back at him, tears streaming down her face.

Keith shoved her back and ran a frustrated hand through his hair. He listened to Pidge's broken sobs as he paced, searching for a solution. A small, timid voice sounded from the office chair.

"I'm so sorry."

Keith's chest burned with anger, "You should be!"

She sat with her elbows on her knees, covering her face with her hands.

He jabbed a finger at the door, "That's my fiancé out there! It was your job to keep us safe- to keep him safe!"

Pidge screamed back at him, "I know!" She cried harder, filling the room with regret and heartbreak.

Keith stared at her as her chest jerked and her tears soaked into the carpet. His head was so muddled with anger that he forgot that she had never dealt with anything like this. Pidge was young and new to the situation. Keith tore his eyes away with a disappointed grunt and rested his head against the wall. "The last thing I said to him was to be quiet."

What was he supposed to do? Remember your training. He repeated the phrase over and over. The only thing Shiro taught him was to forget whoever was taken. Fuck my training. Keith spun around to face the crying Pidge. "Get Shiro on the phone."

She sniffled and wiped her cheeks with her wrist, "But it's four a.m, I don't think he-"

"Right now, Pidge!"

She pulled out her cellphone and dialed the number. She put the phone to her ear and waited. After a minute, she took it away with a head shake and dialed again.

Keith rushed over and snatched the phone from her hand, calling Shiro himself. He had to call three times before he answered. His voice was groggy.


Keith's face lit up with a small rush of excitement, "Shiro?"

There was a pause, Keith?

"Yes! We need you!" He paced around the room. "Lance was taken and we were on a mission and I don't know what I'm supposed to-"

Leave him.

Keith stopped in his tracks, "What?"

Leave him. Remember what I taught you? If you go after him, then you risk dying yourself- or losing more men.

Keith could hear Coran's voice in the background. Shiro said something to him, then returned to their conversation. It's not worth it.

Keith's chest sunk and his stomach turned. His voice broke as he choked out an answer. "Leave him?" His throat closed and he had to force it to open, "That's the love of my life you're talking about."

Keith, I'm sorry, but-

Tears spilled from his eyes, "Please Shiro!" His breath was strained and sporadic. "I won't live without him! I'm begging you! Please!"

Shiro was silent for a while as Keith sniffled and sobbed. You guys are absolute fucking morons. He paused.

Keith's heart hammered against his rib cage as the seconds felt like years.

But I'll help you bring him back.

He let out a huge sigh of relief, "Thank you, Shiro!"

Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Coran's voice sounded from the phone, We'll be there Keith!

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