~Chapter One Hundred Seventy Four~

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Soonyoung woke up with Jihoon laying right next to him, their bare skin touching.

He smiled as Jihoon opened his eyes and looked up at him.

"Morning, Jihoonie." Soonyoung said quietly.

Jihoon nodded sleepily. "I'm hungry."

He got out of the blanket and tried to stand up.

He felt pain in his lower body and immediately fell to the floor.

Soonyoung chuckled and got out of bed to help Jihoon stand up.

"Ah, sorry." He giggled.

Jihoon playfully hit his boyfriend's bare chest. "You made me like this. Now I can't walk."

Soonyoung laughed and got them both changed.

Lol, I'm not gonna
write smut. This is the
closest you'll get.

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