~Chapter Ninety Nine~

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"Why would he be happy that you broke up with him?" Soonyoung questioned. "I'm confused."

Roa chuckled softly.

"Jihoon is confused too." She said. "But I think you know your feelings. Jihoon just has to figure out his."

"What do you mean?"

"Has he been showing any sign of being heartbroken at all?" Roa asked.

"Well, um.."

"He's perfectly fine isn't he? He was probably just shocked that I ended things with him all of a sudden." Roa explained. "But he's okay because, although I loved him, he was never really in love with me. He likes you."

Who ships:
Verkwan, Seoksoo, Junhao, Jeongcheol, and/or Meanie?

Cuz if ur here then u obviously ship Soonhoon right? lol

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