35. Time will Tell

Start from the beginning

The second I aggressively closed the car door, butterflies rapidly roamed around me. I just kissed Romeo! Whether he liked it or not, it doesn't even matter!

Holy shit!

Surprisingly enough, I was gladly walking under the rain now, even throwing my head up to make my face meet more incoming rain drops.

I honestly didn't care if Romeo now hates me for doing what I just did. It's not like I'm ever passing by Cabin B and the library again anyway. I was just so shocked at myself since that was the first move I've ever made on someone.

I'm just so used to being the one returning the kiss that I completely missed out on the thrill on being the one to kiss first.

Oh god, he probably hated it so much that knowing that is only making me love it more. I just fucking kissed Romeo all on my own and had enough time to escape and not get murdered!

I noticed that I was widely grinning to myself now as the sound of running began to emit behind me.


Oh well, I'm not even gonna try and run because I know I won't be able to outrun his fury. I just closed my eyes as I felt the rain soak my body again, the sound of running quickly getting closer as I felt like a murderer was coming after me.

"Where the fuck do you think you're going?" Romeo exclaimed behind me, his arm snapping my body to face him as I awaited my death.

All of a sudden, time completely stopped as I couldn't do anything now. It was already too late. I was frozen as Romeo's arms tightly held onto me.

"G-get away from me!" I quickly winced as I forcefully pushed him away. "Fuck you!"

Romeo forcefully pushed me back. "Fuck you too!" His voice was now raspy.

"Fuck you more!" I childishly exclaimed, smacking his face away the second he tried to get any closer towards me.

Romeo's eyes widened at me the second his cheek began to redden from my hand. "You bitch!" He screamed, rapidly tackling me down the cold wet ground, our bodies causing a large splash. "How could you just kiss me like that and leave without saying anything!"

I let out noises out of discomfort as I tried to get him off of me, one of his hands quickly meeting against my throat.

All of a sudden, we just stared at each other, both of us breathing heavily as Romeo's body was now completely on me. "S-stop!" My voice raised out as his weight continued to hold me down to the ground.

Romeo's cheeks were reddened as tears began to stream down his cheeks. I know why he's mad. I know exactly why he's so mad. Romeo is only just beginning to process that it's okay to be himself and is taking it slow. I can tell he's taking it slow because he took back in wanting to kiss me and hid back behind his usually rude, careless, facade.

Me not caring about this and just kissing him completely stripped away his ability to take his self acceptance slow. Being kissed by another guy was like a rejection to his slow self acceptance and was more like a forceful wake up call to just accept yourself now.

I know this. I know this feeling. I know this too well because it's happened to me. That was exactly what Brandon did to me and now I'm here doing it to whole another person.

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