Chapter 5: All My Friends We're Glorious

Start from the beginning

"Need any help with those?" I ask, being polite. I hate doing the dishes, but I decided today that I was going to be a decent person and try not to be one of the most awkward human beings alive (which is very tough).

"Hmm?" She turns her head towards me with a confused expression. "Ohh the dishes," her face contorts into one that reads 'ohh, I understand now.' "Yeah of course! Come over here and dry them off. Then I'll put them away after we get done with them all," she says vivaciously.

"Alright," I grab a towel hanging on the handle of the stove and stand next to her. She hands me a plate that I dry off and sit next to me on the counter. We do this for the next 20 minutes, having little conversations about random stuff.

When we get done, Sarah and I go sit on the long couch in the living room. We start talking about how we should go shopping so I can get clothes and stuff for my room.

It's about 11:30 when someone walks through the front door. I peek around the corner and see Brendon with Bogart and Penny on their leashes, all looking to be tired and out of breath.

As soon as Brendon unleashes the dogs, they run into the living room, jump on the couch and start attacking me and Sarah with kisses. Almost immediately they stop and lay down next to us, panting dramatically.

"Aw, are you guys tired?" Sarah speaks in that lovey, baby voice that you speak to your dogs in while scratching their bellies.

Brendon comes into the living room with a water bottle in hand and sweat coating his face and shirt. "They should be. Let's just say Penny Lane here got off her leash and I had to chase her almost 3 blocks before I could finally catch her," Brendon says almost out of breath.

Sarah and I bust out laughing.

"Haha, really funny guys," Brendon says with a bit of annoyance in his voice.

"Way to give Brendon the ultimate work out Penny," I say proudly, giving her a head scratch. Penny didn't even bother to look up, but laid there silently and on the edge of passing out.

Brendon glares at me playfully. "Alright, I'm gonna go up stairs and take a well needed shower," He declares.

"You need it. You look and smell awful," I say chuckling at his appearance.

"Thanks, B, just the look I was going for," He jokingly strikes a modeling pose.

Sarah and I giggle again. "Alright, go take your shower you filthy animal," Sarah says. Brendon sticks his tongue out at us and turns to go up stairs.

*5 hours later*

"Oh shit, we have people coming over," Brendon sits up from his laying position on the couch. Sarah stops the movie that was playing on the TV and sits up herself.

After Brendon got out of the shower, Sarah made us all sandwiches for lunch and the rest of the day had been us sitting on the couch, watching movies all day. Which I don't mind at all because I love watching movies.

I glance at the clock on the wall which says 4:18. I look back over to them on the couch, "I'm gonna go get ready before people get here."

"Good idea, you two go get ready while I get this place tidied up," Sarah says getting up from the couch.

Brendon and I get off the couch and head up stairs, each heading to our own rooms.

I go into my bedroom, shut the door, and go over to my suitcase to take out a fresh T-shirt and jeans. Then, I open the cardboard box sitting beside it and dig through until I find my makeup bag. I take all my stuff into my bathroom to get ready.

Things Have Changed (Adopted by Brendon Urie)Where stories live. Discover now