Chapter 33 - Abby

Start from the beginning

"Abby, come here. Let me show you something," I walk over and we walk to the office outside. She gets a key and unlocks a file drawer and pulls out a manila folder labeled with this month and year.

"Come here and look at this," she sits in her chair and pulls me onto her lap and I wrap my right arm around her shoulder. "Here is my weekly, monthly, and bi-annual income report from the last year alone. This one is weekly, that one is monthly, and this over here is the bi-annual one."

I don't mean it but my mouth is open. "Seriously? Are these accurate? All of these are" I always knew Liv was a great business woman but seeing this 100% proves me wrong. She's an AMAZING businesswoman and is definitely going to rule the world.

"Yeah, so when I say I got the condos covered, I got them covered. I work a lot, sweetheart. I work every minute of every day. I give a lot too, don't think I'm just sitting on this pile." She reaches for my chin and turns my face to hers.

I reached my hand up and trailed my fingers along Liv's cheek, then I touched the glasses she was wearing. Impulsively, I tugged them off and slipped them on myself, tipping my head up and squinting around. Liv chuckled to herself.

"Blurry," I said, wrinkling my nose. Abby reached down and brushed my hair out of my face.

"Perfectly clear to me," she said softly and pressed our lips together. I pulled back, smiling, but she reached up and grabbed my shirt.

"No," she said, quietly, pulling me back down. "More."

I brushed my hand along the side of her face, then swept my thumb along her lips. Liv watched, her eyes darting all around my face. I brought my hand to cup the back of her neck and kissed her again, firmly.

"So, you DEFINITELY got the condos. You could probably cover a few more condos and a new car for dad...and my cousin," I laugh.

"If you wanted, yes," she laughs. "If you want a new car, I'll get you one."

"Hahaha no. NO! Olivia! Don't you dare! You're literally bragging now. Stop! If you get me a car I'm breaking up with you," I laugh.

"Wait...why do you have a huge transaction from Universal?" I see through Liv's glasses.

"I think that was signing deal..." she mumbles between kisses on my neck and down my shoulder.

"Noo...unless you got ten times more than I did for signing that's not from the deal...what is this, Olivia," her kisses weren't distraction enough this time around. I move my head away from her full lips.

" little production company that I'm starting up is executive producing our show. Eli told me there wasn't enough backing from Universal for this so I said I would come on and help the project..." she explains slowly.

"So you're telling me you're backing this show and that's why I have a job right now..." I stand up. "Did you use your money to buy me a job?"

"No! No. I didn't. Abby Eli asked me for help to push this project forward, I was already signed on when he asked me. We already agreed to do the project when we processed the deal. I did not buy our jobs. I didn't," Liv said firmly.

"Come here," Liv said, wiggling her finger at me. I walked over to my girl and she took off my top. She put a hand on my side and ran her other hand over my breast, first one, then the other, her palm tracing the curve, feeling their soft fullness, sliding across the peaked nipple. She leaned forward and took one in her mouth. I moaned and wrapped my arm around Liv's shoulders, my hand moving up through her hair. She sucked lightly, swirling her tongue around the taut nipple. I dropped my lips to Olivia's head.

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