C17: Tell Me They Know Our Secret.

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I haven't talked to Eric since our breakup. I haven't even seen him because I guess you could say we were avoiding each other. I made sure to steer clear of walking the halls near his classrooms, he stopped sitting at the designated lunch table,  I blocked him on every social media platform, he no longer visits Shawn and Logan's house anymore, and straight after track practice I go home skipping the locker room altogether.

It's been working quite well if I do say so myself, because if I did have to see him I'd just get angry all over again. Out of sight means out of mind, right?

Avery and L.J have been nicer to me as well, they still roll their eyes every now and then but I'm no longer getting the cold shoulder which was perfect at a time like this. I wish I could tell them everything, but then I'd be outing Eric which I could never do. If you ever out someone without their consent you can easily be labeled under the 'scum of earth' people tag.

"Are you going to eat those?" Avery asked pointing towards my bowl of taffy grapes that I was guarding with my life with both hands entwined around it. What part of my defense mechanism to protect them made her think I didn't want them?

"No, I'm just going to give you the whole bowl," I say sarcastically but she didn't care as she quickly stuck her little baby hands into the bowl grabbing about three of them.

"Hey!" I exclaimed swatting her arm.

Stuffing them into her mouth she smiled as big as she could.

Scowling at her I pulled my grapes closer to my body fighting the urge to throw one at her for payback. I decided against it when I remembered that I was in her room, it's crazy clean and she'd behead me if I did anything to ruin it. We were waiting for L.J and Shawn to finish some track workout Dodge recommended and I gracefully declined. I'd rather not sweat out my hair for no reason. They were outside in Avery's backyard doing the devil's work and I had a clear view from her bedroom window. Who exercises out of their own free will?

"So are you and Shawn official?" Avery said out of blue as she made her way to the window moving the curtains so she could get a better clue. "I'm all for it,"

"Weren't you the one saying to take it slow?" I ask joining her at the window placing my grapes on the desk beside it.

"It's been slow," She said leaning against her wall and staring at me. "You guys practically spend everyday together now, you've been on multiple dates, kiss like a couple of horny dogs, I'm surprised you haven't boned yet."

"How do you know we haven't boned yet?" I ask looking over at her she had her hair tucked behind her ear and her arms folded against her chest. Her long model-like legs were on full display in her pajama shorts, god she was so effortlessly perfect. I wonder what that was like.

"I know now!" She smiled. "Oh look they're coming back in,"

"I'm glad you're letting them shower here," I say. "I don't need that kind of stink in my life,"

We both let out a little laugh before I waltz over to her CD and DVD collection hanging near her closet door. I didn't even know why she still had this, no one listened to music on CD's anymore. Apple Music is where it's at. And why buy DVD's when everything in online free.

"Hey," Avery called out. "Let's find something on TV,"

"Just pick whatever," I shrug going through the collection. She had Justin Bieber's whole first album along with all his other ones. Everyone is a undercover Bieber lover even if they don't admit it so I wasn't mad at her.

"Darren, seriously come help me look," she said walking over towards me.

"It's not hard to pick a channel Avery, it doesn't take two brains," I say a little annoyed just as I came across a CD labeled 'Darren". What was this? Is this why she was trying to get me away from the rack?

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