Untitled Part 4

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Erin was a bit stunned, she thought she knew almost all of Voight's CIs. Why not tell her about Serena?

"When was she your CI?" Erin asked.

"About seven and a half years ago, I got a tip from her one day about Marco after that I stopped hearing from her. I figured she left town after that". Hank replied.

"Did you know she was pregnant?"

"No. If I did, I would have helped her. She probably took off so Marco wouldn't harm her or the baby".

"I still can't believe that son of a bitch is her father".

"No he's not. As far as I'm concerned, I'm Dani's father now he's nothing to her just as she's nothing to him".

"You're doing a great thing for that little girl".

"I'm hoping if possible to fast track to adopt, nothing stopping me".

"What if Marco tries to stop it?"

"I can and will have his parental rights stripped".

Before Erin could speak Dani bounced over to the two, she looked up at the woman with a bright smile on her face.

"Erin you wanna see my room?" Dani asked excitedly.

"Of course I do". Erin replied with a smile of her own.

Hank smiled at his new daughter as the excited six year old took Erin to her new room, he was glad that he was able to give her a home but most of all a family.

After a while everyone had left, Dani had fallen asleep on the couch so Hank had cut the tv off and gently picked her up. The six-year old felt herself being moved and she blindly looked around.

"Daddy?" Dani says sleepily.

"Shh sweetheart go back to sleep". Hank said soothingly.

She turned and went back to sleep, once in the room he laid her down and covered her up.

"Sweet dreams sweetheart". He whispered.

He kissed her head and went to his room for the night.

The time was now 2:30 in the morning the house was quiet and dark, all of a sudden Hank was woken out of his sleep by a scream. He then remembered Dani, he shot up and ran to her room he got to her door and saw that she was tossing and turning. He then went over to her and gently shook her shoulders.

"Dani wake up sweetheart it's alright, it's just a dream. You're safe wake up sweetie". Hank says soothingly.

The six year old woke up with a start as she looked around frantically till her green eyes saw her foster father.

"Daddy". Dani cried.

Hank gathered his foster daughter into his arms and held her as she cried and the entire time he felt her shaking like a leaf.

"Shh it's alright sweetheart, everything's ok. You're ok, you're safe now. I'm here sweetie". Hank soothed her.

After five minutes Dani had stopped crying and she was slightly shaking, she gripped Hank's shirt in her small fist. She was still afraid of her dream, it seemed all too real for her.

"Wanna talk about it sweetheart?"

"M-Marco...he hurt you...a-and then h-he hurt me".

Hank's blood was boiling the entire time he was ready to pay Marco another visit but he could do that another time at that moment his little girl needed him.

"Dani I want you to listen to me sweetheart ok".


She wiped her eyes and her wet cheeks, as she looked up at her father a couple more tears ran down her cheeks and Hank wiped them away with his thumbs.

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