Untitled Part 24

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For a few days it was quiet, too quiet and Hank didn't like it. He hadn't heard anything from Amelia or Mark. He had thought they had listened to his warnings about coming around Dani. He didn't like this, something was very wrong. It was the calm before the storm and Hank was going to make sure he was fully prepared for whatever they would throw at him.

More days have passed and it was dead silent. Not so much as a single word from Amelia or Mark. Hank had both of them under surveillance and they acted normal. They went to work and home. Nowhere in between. No meetings with anyone suspicious. The older man wasn't dumb nor stupid, they were in fact hiding and planning something.

Making sure Dani was safe, Hank had been watching her like a hawk when he was with her. When she'd go to school he had someone watching her and picking her up. He knew that some single parents working high demanding jobs rely on babysitters or nannies to help with children or just about raise them. He had nothing against them, he trusted very few people with Dani and he didn't want innocent people dragged into something they had nothing to do with.

A couple of weeks had gone by and it was dead silent from both Mark and Amelia. Hank went to Amelia's office, he was going to try and catch her in the act. They were going down one way or another, he'll be damned if Dani gets hurt anymore in her young life.

Amelia was in her office going over a proposal, Hank casually leaned against her door. "Give up Amelia?"

Looking up from the paper she was surprised to see him. "Hank, what a nice surprise. What can I do for you?"

"You can drop the charade, I know what you're trying to do and it ain't gonna work"

"And what is it that you think I'm trying to do exactly?"

"Now you wanna play stupid with me? You know exactly what I'm talking about"

Closing the folder she gave him her full attention. "I've thought about what you said regarding Dani and realized you were right. What Dani needs and what is in her best interest is to remain with you. I wanted her for the wrong reasons"

"That's good, you had me there for a minute. You really think I'm gonna believe that? I was born but it wasn't yesterday. You're planning something to get Dani, you and Mark maybe able to play, fool, and get over on everyone else. If you think you're gonna get one over on me, you got another thing coming"

"I got a question for you Hank, when are you gonna stop lying to Dani about who her father really was? Her father was your son. His name was Justin, right?" She had given a smirk, knowing she hit Hank with that discovery. "You wanna talk about me playing games and what not yet here you are lying to your- I'm sorry let me rephrase that, our granddaughter. Exactly how angry do you think Dani is going to be when she finds out you're lying to her and you knew who her father was all along? Probably since before the adoption. I find it funny, you have a DNA test run on her to find out she's your son's child and suddenly you wanna adopt her. That seems like playing one over on someone, wouldn't you say Hank?"

Closing the door Hank went over to her, a dangerous look in his eyes. His son was still a sensitive and touchy subject. "Let's get a few things straight Amelia. First, my son isn't your concern nor will he ever be. My son's name isn't to cross your tongue and mouth ever again, otherwise we're gonna have bigger problems. Second, I did have a test run on Dani but it had nothing to do with me adopting me. I left that decision to her, it was what she asked for and what she wanted. And as for me lying to her, I'm waiting till she gets older so I can explain it to her so she'll understand. A six, almost seven year-old isn't gonna understand or follow any of this. It's only going to confuse her"

"She needs to be told the truth and be around her family, I have a right to see her just as much as you do. She's my granddaughter just as much as she is yours and that's all she is to you Hank. Your granddaughter, not your daughter"

"You lost any and all rights when you chose a man over your kids, when you allowed them to be abused and molested repeatedly. When you allowed your daughter Danielle to be murdered and have it covered up. You and Mark are not going to inflict anymore pain and suffering on that little girl, my little girl"

"You won't keep me from my grandchild"

"Watch me. Stay away from her, first and only warning. I don't like telling people things twice" With that said Hank turned and left.

"We'll see about that Hank"

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