Untitled Part 13

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He pulled a gun out and aimed it at Hank. He had aimed it right at Hank's forehead for a clean shot. "Shall we test that theory"

Hank had kept his cool, this wasn't the first time a gun had been aimed at him, probably won't be the last. He wouldn't admit it but he was terrified. Terrified that Marco would kill him and then Dani would be forced to grow up without the only true parent she has. He swallowed hard as he just looked at the gun.

"If you kill me, you'll have my team and half if not all of the Chicago PD hunting you down" Hank told him sharply.

Marco chuckled dryly. "And you think that scares me? Please"

"You highly underestimate my team"

"You underestimate me"

"I'm not scared of you Marco. Not now. Not in this lifetime"

"We'll see about that"

Marco then pistol whipped him, knocking him out, Hank was knocked unconscious, his head bleeding from where he was hit. He didn't care what happened to him. All he cared about was what happened to his little girl. And that she was safe.


Adam, Kevin, Erin and Jay were at one of the safe houses, they were all on the floor as the house was being shot up. Jay thanked god that Dani was upstairs being hidden from all this. The young detective knew if anything happened to the young girl, hurt or not Hank would raise all kinds of hell.

The gun fire had stopped for a brief moment, that had given the four detectives some leverage. Jay and Kevin carefully opened the door and started firing back. Kevin managed to hit one of the windows on the car. Jay had injured one of the shooters.

Once the shooters realized they couldn't do it anymore they took off. They sped down the street. Kevin chased after him trying to get a license plate. He managed to get the first three letters but that was it. He ran back.

Jay went back to help Erin and Adam up, Kevin had run back inside. "I lost them"

"How the hell did they find us?" Jay asked.

"They tailed you guys from the hospital," Adam answered.

"You guys talk this out. I'm gonna go check on Dani" Erin said, rubbing the back of her head. It was still sore from when she got whacked.

Erin went up the stairs and began looking for the young girl while the three men stayed down stairs. Jay was fuming. How could he have been so stupid and let them be followed?

"Jay, this ain't your fault man" Kevin told him.

"It might as well be" Jay says biting his jaw. "Voight trusted me to look after and protect Dani and look at what happened. We were followed. She could have been hurt, killed, or taken. Erin was already hurt. That was on me because I didn't keep my guard up"

"You couldn't have known you guys were followed. It could have happened to any of us" Adam spoke next. "Don't beat yourself up man. Dani's here with us. She's safe. She's protected. Erin got knocked out but she's fine. She'll be ok"

Jay simply just nodded trying to let Adam's words sink in. "Any more news on Voight and who took him?"

"Someone kidnapped Voight?" Kevin asked, surprised.

"Antonio is looking into with Alvin and patrol. They believe Marco could have had one or more people sneak in somehow and grab him" Adam answers, reading a text off his phone. "Will found some scrubs in the staircase, Antonio requested the footage and Kim told him that Hank was missing from his room"

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