Untitled Part 26

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Finally after a long and exhausting day, the work day for Hank was over. Nightfall had fallen over the city, stars twinkled in the night sky, the bright full moon lit up the sky and shined over the city below.

Hank put away his stuff in his desk and locked it, once making sure his office was locked for the night. His district was secure but he still wasn't one to take chances. He went to the lounge to get Dani and saw she was fast asleep on the couch covered up with her little multi-colored Unicorn blanket.

He smiled and went in and gently hoisted her up, the little girl stirred a bit and she looked around dazed with sleepy eyes.

"Daddy?" She murmured.

"It's alright sweetheart, just sleep. We're going home. Are you hungry?"

She nodded sleepily, Adam and Kevin took her to the playground not far from the district and she had worn herself out. He put her backpack on his shoulder and held her close and protectively. The older man walked down the stairs and waved to Trudy who was also getting off and going over things with the night Sergeant.

Carefully and gently he opened the backdoor to his car and set Dani in the backseat, he set the backpack on the floor and strapped Dani in then put the blanket back on her covering her small frame. He closed the door and saw Mark.

"She's adorable," Mark said.

"You got a hell of a nerve showing up here" Hank replied. "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to see-"

"You're not seeing Dani. You and your wife need hearing aids because apparently not only are you both dumb and stupid but you're also deaf. I don't have time for deaf, dumb, and stupid You're the stupid because you don't listen after I said stay away from my daughter. I don't like telling people things twice, so I'm going to make this much clearer for you"

In the blink of an eye Hank had grabbed Mark forcefully and put him in a choke hold. His arm firmly around his neck and he was adding pressure and choking him. Mark was gasping for air.

"If I see your face again, if I hear your name, I promise that the next time you'll be seen. You'll be swimming in the river. Do I make myself clear?"

"So...help...me Voight..."

Hank added more pressure to the choke hold. "I said, do I make myself clear?"

"Y-yes....now let me...go"

"Come around my daughter again and the next place you'll end up is the river" Hank hissed dangerously in his ear.

With a swift flip Hank had thrown Mark down on his back hard, suddenly the man on the ground was nose to nose with Hank. A deadly viscous glare in the older man's eyes.

"Stay away from my daughter or swim in the river. You're choice Marky boy"

Hank stepped hard on Mark's hand with his heavy boot as he was going around to the driver side getting in. After buckling his seatbelt and looking back to see Dani still fast asleep, all the anger he had melted seeing her small face. He turned the car on and drove away.

It took Mark a couple of moments to get up as he shook the pain out of his hand, with his good hand he pulled his phone out making a call. "Amelia, it's time to fight back. He wants to play hardball. Then hardball it is"

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