Untitled Part 15

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After the loud BANG! Hank moved rolling off Marco, Marco had been shot in the stomach as he bled out. Getting up Hank kept the gun aimed at him wanting to empty the clip into the worthless bastard. Marco screamed in pain, he gritted his teeth scowling at Hank.

"Do it! You know you want to" Marco seethed. "Be the man we both know you are"

"No. See you want me to kill you, killing you would be too easy. Your ass is gonna rot in prison"

Hank knew he could easily kill Marco and ensure his daughter's safety from him at least. But he knows if he does, there'll be a full investigation and worst case he'd lose Dani forever. The only connection to his son. He reached into Marco's pocket and grabbed his phone dialing 911.

"This is Sergeant Hank Voight. Badge number 32419"

He remained on the phone while holding the gun on Marco.

District 21

At the district everyone minus Kevin and Adam were working on finding Hank. Antonio was in interrogation with one of Marco's people. Erin was at her desk when her phone rang.

"Lindsay...What? Where? We're on our way"

Everyone looked to her curiously as she got up and got her jacket on. "They found Hank. Let's move"

After getting Antonio they moved out to Hank's location. Jay texted Kevin and Adam on the way. Kevin was making lunch while Adam was watching Dani. The six-year-old had wanted to do a princess tea party, she had dressed Adam in a blue dress, she did heavy and uneven makeup on him, and she put small ponytails in his hair doing very small waterfalls. He bit his tongue from swearing, it hurt and he knew if he cursed or swore around Dani and it got back to Hank, he'd be in a world of hell.

The young detective came down sighing. "Who knew a six-year-old had that much energy?"

Before Kevin could respond he turned and saw his partner and busted out laughing. Adam had rolled his eyes.

"Yeah yeah, laugh it up. I gotta deal with it for six months"

"I'm.. sorry bro" Kevin laughed. " You just look so-" Before he could finish Dani came in.

"Doesn't Adam look beautiful?" The little girl asked, with a huge smile.

"He looks very beautiful," Kevin tells her. "Now it's time for this little princess to eat her lunch and relax a little" He poked her stomach making her giggle.

"Can I watch a movie during lunch?"

"Absolutely. Go pick a movie and I'll get you set up"

She ran to the living room and cut the tv on, Adam was checking his phone as it went off.

"Oh thank god" He sighed in relief.

"What's up?" Kevin slightly turned.

"They found Hank"

"That is good, hopefully they brought Marco down"

"I hope he's dead"

"Hey, watch how you talk in front of the kid. Go clean up Adeline and I'll bring you some food. Would you like a spot of tea with it" He teased him.

Adam glared at him and went to clean up. Kevin went and brought the food out.


The intelligence raced to Hank's location to where he and Marco were. They called an ambulance in case Hank was hurt, once on scene they all pulled their gun running towards the house Antonio in the lead he got to the front door and kicked it in.

"Chicago PD! Hank!" He yelled.

"In here!"

They ran to the living room, Hank no longer had the gun. Marco laid on the ground dead. He had lost too much blood from where he had been shot. The older Sereagnt made no attempts to try and revive the gangster nor did he want to. Without a word Hank just passed the gun to his senior detective as he suddenly felt dizzy.

"Hank, you alright?"

Before he could speak he collapsed and they called for the paramedics, Gabby and Brett came in and without a word they got to work on him.

"He has a strong pulse," Gabby said, checking his pulse.

"He has a lot of bruises and blood on the back of the head, probably a concussion. Let's get him to Med" Brett added.

Antonio and Jay helped load Hank onto the back board and they got him out and rushed off to Med. Intelligence followed. Erin called Kevin to update them.

Dani had fallen asleep on the couch, Kevin quietly covered her up. The two men started to quietly clean, Kevin heard his phone ring and before it woke Dani he went to answer it.

-Atwater. He answered quietly.

-Kev, it's me. We found Hank and he's alive. Marco's dead. Erin informed him.

-Where are you guys?

-On our way to Med, Hank passed out.

-Want us to bring Dani?

-Yes, I'm sure Hank will want to see her.

-We'll be on our way.

-Thanks Kev, be careful.

Kevin hung up and Adam looked at him. "What's going on?"

"They found Hank"

The young detective had sighed in relief. "Where is he?"

"Heading to Med"

"Let's get the kid and let's go"

As quietly as Adam could he picked up the sleeping six-year-old and headed out with Kevin to Med. Over at the hospital, Hank had finally come back around in the ambulance. He hated being treated. He was fine dammit.

Once he was in a room Will had begun looking him over, this was one of the many things Hank hated.

"Will, I'm fine," Hank insisted.

"You passed out Hank, that doesn't tell me you're fine" Will says.

"I wanna go home, I'm fine"

"After I run some tests on you"

"Can I at least see Dani?"

"I'll do my best to see if they can get her here"

"Run the tests"

Will went and put the orders in as they all went over, he put a hand up to stop them. "I'm ordering some tests to be safe"

"Is he going to be alright?"

"Most likely. As for his head injury it's most likely a concussion. Let's wait and see what the tests say. He wants to see Dani"

"She's coming with Kevin and Adam," Erin spoke.

As she said that Adam and Kevin walked in with Dani, the six-year-old was bouncing with excitement. She could finally see her father.

"Daddy! Daddy! Where's daddy?" Dani smiled big.

"Right this way, munchkin" Will told her.

He guided her to Hank's room and opened the curtain. "Hank you have a visitor while you wait"

"Daddy!" Dani ran in.

Hank smiled as he felt his heart swell. "My little sweet pea"

Will carefully put the little girl on the bed as with all her strength the little girl hugged her father. Hank hugged his baby girl with all his might knowing now she's safe and no longer has to deal with Marco. She was free of him. 

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