Part 4: Fighting Back (Chapter I)

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Karmen: We're back!

Grim: We'll try our best to finish this.

Karmen: Anyways, enjoy!

It was two in the afternoon. Allison was anxious. She walked down the streets alone. There were more people around today. This part of Washington is more peaceful and didn't have much crime. The people in this town are friendly, which makes it easier to get information from them. She didn't get much except for one homeless man who told her he saw him being taken into a black van. She thought about going to the police again, but she remembers her first experience when going for their help.

"Allison?" Allison turned around to see Bang's friend, Nolan.

"Nolan?!" Allison exclaimed. "What are you doing here?!"

"I was visiting my aunt until I saw you," Nolan answered. "You ok? You look stressed." Allison sighed and clenched her hands together.

"Bang is missing," she answered. "He's not answering his phone, and someone saw him being taken into a van."

Nolan was shocked by hearing this. "I-I'm sure he'll get himself out of-"

"If he were able to, he would've been with me hours ago!" Allison shouted at Nolan, startling him.

"P-Please calm down," Nolan croaked.

Allison rubs her eyes and looks at Nolan. "You're gonna help me find him."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Nolan protests. "I'm worried about him as much as you are, but I'd rather not get caught in whatever's going on with Bang."

"You're his best friend!" Allison shouted at Nolan. "What kind of friend doesn't help his friends?"

Nolan was sweating in nervousness then looks down. "You're right... I'll help!"

Allison nodded at Nolan. "All right. The guy said he saw the van going that way," She pointed down the street. "Let's go and see if anyone else saw the van."


"Taking a bit long, huh?" I asked as Camou sighs.

"Trying to amuse me, kid?" Camou questioned.

"Just trying to start a conversation," I answered.

Camou chuckles at him. "It'd be easier to if you just join us, Bang."

"Why not just take me there?" I asked. "Wouldn't that be easier?"

"I'd rather not have to deal with cops who'd find me suspicious," Camou sighs.

I look at him. "You're scared of the police?"

"I'm scared of getting caught," he crosses his arms. "If I get caught, I get disposed of."

I struggle in the cuffs, feeling the metal rub against my wrists and the cold air breezing against me in the empty dark warehouse. I look at my captor in anguish.

I'm not getting out of this, am I?


Allison was asking people about the van and got no answers. Nolan came back to Allison.

"Got anything?" He asked. She sighed in response and shook his head. "Why not just let the police handle this?" He asks.

"Bang is being hunted down by the government, if they find out Bang was here, they'll be searching for him," Allison answers, tapping his foot on the ground in frustration.

"What if he-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence!" Growled Allison as she pointed at him. Before Allison would say anything else, she notices someone she's met before, a friend of Bang's.

"Mr. Carter?" Allison looked at the man and approached him. The man who turns out to be John Carter notices Allison and gives her a friendly smile.

"Allison, aren't you far from home?" He asked her.

"I was here with Bang," Allison answered. "I need your help."

John chuckled softly. "What's up, kid?" He asked.

"Bang was kidnapped, and I need your help to find him."

John looked like h wasn't surprised and pulled out a GPS device. "I gave him something I made before, and I put a tracking device in it just in case." He hands it to her as she took it.

"Thank you, John!" Allison praised. "You gonna come and help us?"

"I can't."

Allison was shocked to hear his response. "Wha-why not?"

"It's hard to explain, but I'm sure you two can handle it." John walks off before Allison can object.

They looked at the GPS and saw that Bang was ten kilometers away.


"They'll be here in thirty minutes," Camou said, looking at his watch.

"Are there other people like me?" I asked him. Camou looks at Bang.

"Yes," he answers.

"So am I the only one or are there others?" Bang asked.

Camou chuckles softly. "That's confidential~" he answers. The sound of a door creaking open caught both of our attention. "They're here early." When Camou turned his head towards the noise, a glass bottle was thrown at his head. The impacts made the bottle shatter directly into Camou's face. The sound of broken glass echoing through the place.

I was shocked to see this and even more shocked to see Allison and Nolan running towards me.

"What the hell are you guys doing here?!" I exclaim.

Nolan went behind me and sounded like he is lock-picking the cuffs. "We cane to save you, asshole," Allison grumbled.

The cuffs came off. I stood up and looked at Allison. "You shouldn't have come here!"


I turned to see Camou, who has his gun aimed at Nolan. I turned to Nolan to see a bullet in his arm. He screamed in pain and fell to the ground. I growled and glared at Camou. I teleported in front of him and kicked the gun out of his hand, kicking him to the ground. He grabbed my leg and pulled me down. He gets on top of me and starts punching me rapidly in the face. I wasn't able to react and block, so I ended up being pummelled.


Camou stopped. I look up at the agent, and his eyes were dead. There was blood staining his white dress shirt on his chest. He fell dead on top of me. I pushed the corpse off of me and saw Allison, who was the one who shot Camou. I was in shock and fear.

"I-I," Allison trembled as I got up and went to Nolan.

"Just help me get Nolan up!" I try to ignore what she just did and picked up Nolan. Allison came towards him and helped me. I teleported us to the nearest hospital.


The Man in Black and other agents went into the warehouse and found Camou dead on the floor. The Man in Black sighed.

"Now, what, sir?" One of the agents asked.

"Get rid of the body," Man in Black ordered. "And find him!"

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