Chapter Twenty One: The Moonlight Dance.

Start from the beginning

His warm arms were wrapped around me as we swayed side to side, before turning me around to face him. His tall figure over powered my short body. My head only reached just below his shoulder.

Our hands were up high, as he swiftly twirled me around and around. My hair and dress we flying as I saw his blurred figure supporting me, in case I lose my balance. He stopped spinning me, I felt dizzy the whole world was spinning. I leaned my head against his chest, waiting for the world to stop spinning.

I suddenly realized the position I was in, and pushed him back. I tired hiding my embarrassment by hiding in the shadows, but sadly it didn't work. The sweet sound of laughter was a curse, my cheeks reddened. I quickly dashed behind a tree, unable to face him. I heard the sound of footsteps coming closer to my spot, my heart beating hard, I looked around, trying to find a new hiding space. That's when I looked up, a branch only a few meters high and hidden by leaved twigs. Perfect.

Hitching my dress up so I could climb, I jumped, latching my hands on a small branch. Swinging myself higher until, landing perfectly on top of the branch. I sighed in relief. Standing up and smoothing the creases of my dress, I stretched my hand out, trying to reach the next branch. I felt my stomach turn as I went on my tiptoes trying to reach the branch when my left foot slipped.

My voice was caught in my throat, as I fell through the branches, bark tearing at my flesh as I tried to get a hold. Why do I always climb trees when I know I am going to fall? My hair was flying around my face, so as my white dress, the hem covered in mud.

I closed my eyes, expecting my spine to snap against the ground. I heard fast ruffled footsteps below me. Unexpectedly i fell into his warm arms. My heart is beating furiously against my chest with my breath hitched as I steered up at Thranduil's glowing icy blue eyes. His eyes held worry, confusion and something else. He let go of my legs but his hands still clutched my shoulders, knowing my legs turned to jelly.

I muffled, "," into his chest.

He surprised me by saying,

"Take off the mask?"

It wasn't an order, more like a question. What will happen when he recognizes me? I'll be locked up forever. I ripped myself from his grip and took off.

I was running near the edge of the lake, trying to find my way back when a hand gripped my shoulder sending me back. But instead off falling to the ground, his arms came around my waist, keeping me in place.

I started struggling against his grip, but he was too strong. With one hand he held my wrists. The other on the back of my head, untying the ribbon until the mask hung loosely against my face. He then gently pulled back the mask to reveal my face. I heard him gasp as I looked at the water, tears leaking from my eyes.

What was I thinking? Messing around with the Prince at this hour?

I sucked in a breath, waiting for his reaction, anything.

But it was too late. I accidentally stepped on his toe sending pain up his leg. He yelled as his grip loosened on my wrists. I panicked trying to get away from him, but slipped in the revolting mud. It was like in slow motion. At the last minute he tried to reach out, trying to snatch my hand, but missed by inches. I fell. My messy blonde curls brushed either side of my face making my vision worse. The last thing my eyes gazed upon was his eyes.The ones that gleamed at my presence, that adore me, but they were frozen in shock.

The icy water plunged around me, making my vision blurry, closing off the air. I tried to resurface, but was held down due to my dress. I pulled and tugged, trying to free myself. Panicking, my heart beating faster, my breathing quickened. Exhaustion took over me. My eyes drooped, sending me into a dreamless sleep.


i AM sooo sorry about the delay!

I was soo stuck! eventually I had to have help from my sister!

I am sorry if it is confusing. Please bare with me, I am not great at writing, or the English in general!

What do you think?

Any questions?

OMGosh Guys! 20,000! READS! that's impossible! never in a million years i thought my book would get that much! Thank you guys!

I am thinking of bringing another character? What do you think?

Thank you again (I no I am weird, just deal with it!)


Spypuppy out!

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