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The sun stared down at the city, its brilliant rays shone brightly as a woman with long brunette locks strolled through the park barefoot, her heels in her hands. The park seemed to remain untouched from the carnage just a few blocks down, children's laughter surrounding her. Cheshire closed her eyes as the sweet perfume of the flowerbeds brought her back to simpler times with a younger Natalia, but times have changed and so has she. Her little Natalia who had been so worried about the bloodied knuckles or bandaging Cheshire's wounds was a distant memory, all that remained was the hardened assassin who still held her at an arms distance. Cheshire was pulled out of her memories abruptly when a soccer ball nailed her in the thigh and bounced twice before rolling to a stop at her toes.

"Son of a!" Her once calm eyes narrowed instantly, looking for the culprit.

"Um miss?" A small voice hesitantly got her attention as a young girl, no older than six approached the hardened killer. "I'm really sorry I hit you! Are you okay?" Cheshire's eyes widened at the fiery locks spilling down the child's back and suddenly she was thrown back in time.

"Are you ok Ember? I didn't mean it, I swear!" Cheshire winced before smiling at the young girl and pinching her cheek.

"It's nothing little lamb, don't worry about me. Why don't we go out to the gardens for a little while?"

"Yes!" The girl screeched, jumping excitedly before dashing towards the fields. The older girl laughed lightly as she pulled the throwing knife from her thigh.

"I am fine little lamb, don't worry about me." Cheshire smiled softly at the girl before bending down and handing the soccer ball to her. "I'm sure your friends are waiting for you, you should go to them." With a grin, the girl yanked the ball out of the woman's hands and took off towards her group of friends, her red locks flying behind her.

"Who knew you could set your sarcasm aside for a kid." Natasha's voice made Cheshire tense up before turning around to face the redhead.

"She reminded me of someone long ago..." Cheshire trailed off, a soft smile painted her cheeks as she began walking again. "Do you remember when you nailed me with that stupid knife when you were younger?" Natasha snorted and matched her pace with Cheshire's as she looked up at the clouds lazily sliding across the sky.

"You were still a stubborn ass back then too, and waited until I left before pulling out the knife." Looking up at the Brunette, Natasha knocked her shoulder against her.

"It was too easy to trick you into going to make flower crowns, how long has it been?"

"Since what? Since I hit you with a knife?"

"No, you idiot." Cheshire smacked the back of the redhead's head as she laughed. "Since we've made flower crowns." Natasha's smile slowly disappeared as she looked towards the strangers strolling around the park.

"A long time." Running her hands through her long locks, Cheshire sighed before grabbing the younger woman's hand and dragging her towards a patch of flowers beside the sidewalk. "I don't think you're allowed to pick those." Cheshire snorted before bending over and picking a handful of tulips and handing them to Natasha.

"What are they going to do, fine us?" With a snigger, the two of them sat on a nearby bench and silently weaved crowns together, the breeze sending a light energy as a once forgotten relationship to rekindle.


"I can't believe that cop fined us!" Cheshire roared as she fixed her flower crown with one hand and glared at the ticket in Natasha's. The woman beside her snickered before tucking it into her pocket and gently fingering her own crown.

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