Chapter Thirteen

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Cheshire's POV
Moaning from the blinding sun-light against my face, I wondered how long I'd been sleeping. Opening my eyes, I let out a screech before squeezing them shut once more.

"Fuck." I groan before opening one eye and yawning, I managed to fully open both eyes. Memories of last night's events filled my mind as I slowly sat up and stretched, my pigtails a mess. Glancing around the room, I smiled softly at the sight of the plaid skirt and ruler at the foot of the bed. 'Fucking Stark, he could have at least left a note.'

Cracking my neck, I get out of bed and grab my and slippers before trudging towards the cafeteria. Numerous eyes stare at me as I rub my eyes and throw my hair up into a bun.

"Cheshire!" The sound of the Angry Pirate's booming voice causes me to

"What?" I whine as I grab a mug and begin to fill it with coffee.

"This is not your home, this is a professional facility and I expected you to treat it as such." Rolling my eyes, I turn around to face Fury.

"Well that was your first mistake." I reply. A smirk forms on my face as his glare hardens. We stand there challenging one another with our eyes before I finally sigh and take a sip out of my coffee cup and head back towards my humble abode. "Kiss my ass Nicolas." I say loudly, before the doors shut behind me.

Letting out a sigh, I drink my coffee and slowly make my way back to my room. Opening my door, I'm greeted by none other than Captain America himself.

"Cheshire! I-I was just looking for you." I stare at him before glancing at his curled-up fist.

"Give it back." I state, monotonously. I watch as Steve begins to sweat and fidget.

"Give what back?" He laughs nervously. "I don't know what you're talking about." Sighing, I down the rest of my coffee and grab a knife off of my dresser.

"Steve give me my necklace back before I punch you in your jejunum." I demand, growling. Steve sighs and tosses my necklace to me before sitting on the edge of my bed. "Why did you take it?" I ask after setting down my knife and sitting beside him. Steve sighs and looks at me.

"I" He pauses. "I thought it could get me into one of the hangers to see what Phase Two is." My eyes widen before I stand up abruptly. I look down at Steve before removing my robe and walking towards the closet. It is silent for a moment, I turn and look at the embarrassed super soldier.

"It won't." I reply. Steve looks at me confused and starts to argue with me but I cut him off.

"Trust me, I tried that the first time. My necklace can't help you get in, you need a code as well, but I can." Steve smiles before realizing my state of undress and covering his eyes.

"I'm just gonna- Ow!" He starts walking backwards towards the door and bumps into my dresser. Sighing, I walk over to the nervous man and uncover his eyes.

"There's nothing to be shy about Spangles." I state. Steve opens his eyes and his jaw drops slightly, causing laughter to bubble up within me. "What?" Steve swallows thickly before shaking his head.
"It's just, "

I tense up, my smile fading away as I gently back him up towards the door. "I'll meet you at Storage 10-C after I'm finished changing." Before he can answer I shut my door and turn to lean on it. Steve's muffled response barely reaching my ears.

"Yeah, I'll see you then."

Cheshire's POV
My clicked along the cold cement ground as I approached Steve. Said super soldier turned and looked at me and nodded towards the door.

"You could say please you know." I whisper before breaking off the front of the access code console and fiddling with the wires. I listened as Steve passed back and forth behind me. "Can you stop that?" I whisper harshly. "You're making me nervous." He stops and lets out a puff of air before leaning over my shoulder to look at the wires.

"Where did you learn this?" He asks quietly. I pause before continuing on looking for the right wire.

"My creed." I replied simply. I could sense the confusion coming off of him in waves and rolled my eyes.

"I don't understand." He stated suddenly. "People call you a monster, the devil, but you're just a girl."

"You're wrong Captain." I growled. Steve grabbed my arms and lifted me from the ground before gently pushing me against the wall.

"No I'm not. I think that you're not as dark as you want people to believe. But under all of those walls, what are you Cheshire? Who are you really?" I close my eyes and growl before shoving him away from me.

"Where other men blindly follow the truth,
Remember, nothing is true
Where other men are limited by morality or law,
Remember, everything is permitted.
I work in the dark to serve the light.
I am an assassin Steve." I state quietly. I look up at Steve and scoff before turning back towards the console and snapping a wire. The doors open with a quiet hiss and I quickly stand up and shove the front of the console in Steve's arms and stalking away. The tears begin to well in my eyes and I blink them away before walking faster.

"Cheshire!" His voice forces me to come to a stop. "You're not a bad person." He says again, making me scoff. "You're a very good person who bad things have happened to. Besides, the world isn't split into good and evil. We've all got both light and dark in us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are." (props to who can tell me who said this)
Turning to look at the man I laugh dryly.

"And what if after everything I've been through, something's gone bad inside me? Steve you're a good guy, but you don't know the half of what I've been through. If you knew what I've done..." I trailed off, defeated. Suddenly Steve came marching up to me and pulling me in for a

At first he was gentle, like he was afraid to hurt me, but as soon as I began kissing him back he responded by pushing me against the wall that was behind us, and kissed me with so much passion that I saw stars. I felt his tongue run across my bottom lip and I opened my mouth to let our tongues explore each other's mouths. He ran his fingers through my hair and pulled me closer, before pulling away from me completely.

"I-I'm sorry. I don't know why I did that." Steve mumbled, breaking the silence. I brushed my lips with my fingertips before looking up at him. Then the tears came. Silently, the pearl-shaped tears rolled down my cheeks as all the wounds of my past seemed to reopen. Blindly, I reached for something to support myself as my whole body began to shake. Steve's eyes widened and pulled me towards him and crushed me into a hug. At first my sobs were stifled as I tried to reel myself back in. After all, assassins are never allowed to show their emotions. But as much as I tried to hold myself together, the pain came out like an uproar from my throat in the form of a silent scream.
We stood there, in the dark of the hallway as he held me for what seemed like forever, his grip never loosening from me as if he was afraid I would fade away into nothingness. He was right though, all these years I thought I was holding myself together but now I realize all I've been doing is falling apart, and If he let me go all of my broken pieces would spill upon the cold cement ground.

"Don't let me go." I whispered. Steve tensed before slowly sliding down the wall and pulling me further into his lap.

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