Chapter Seven

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Cheshire's P.O.V.

As soon as Phil and I left Stark Tower, Fury called us in. Apparently he had been able to recruit Steve Rodgers, otherwise known as Captain America and wanted the two of us to escort said superhunk to the Hellicarrier. Me being me, I had plans to go get shitfaced drunk and probably go bang a stranger or two. But, here I am on this stupid Quinjet with Stars and Stripes and Coulson who by the way was absolutely ecstatic to be in the presence of his "Hero"

Letting out a sigh, I walk over to the bathroom and change into this:

Before getting into a handstand and slowly lowering myself until my face almost touches the floor before pushing myself back up and repeating.


We used to do this in the Creed. And according to Grand master, our strength is the only virtue that nature respects. So we trained. Our bodies would be pushed to the limit with each task assigned to us, and then pushed some more.

I stood in one of the chambers of the compound, looking at the intricate patterns weaved across the floor. This was the Nightingale Chamber. Its use was to see just how good of an assassin we were. One wrong move, and the floors would creek loudly, alerting our "target" of our presence.

I looked up at Grand master and watched as he silently walked across the boards.

"Suffering exists only because weakness exists." He grumbles before nodding. I take my first step. Carefully. Graceful as any dancer. Silence fills the air. "You must hate all weaknesses. Hate it in others, but most of all hate it in yourself." I take another step. And another, before finding myself a third of the way across the room. I can feel the sweat dripping down my back and the trembling of my muscles as I continue down the floor. CREEK.

I stop, panic washing throughout my body before being replaced with nothing. Obediently I lift my left foot up. Grand Master rises from his spot on the floor and approaches me, laying open my foot with a bamboo rod and slashing it across my foot. My expression does not change as he walks back to his original position and nods for me to continue. And I do. I silently move across the boards once more, leaving no trace of my passage except a trail of small, bloody footprints...

Third P.O.V.

Steve watched the young woman doing handstand pushups, she shows little sign of exhaustion and her face stays blank as she slowly pushes her entire body weight up and lowers herself back down. 'What is going through her mind?' He wondered to himself, before turning back to the light gadget in his hands. He fumbles to turn it on for a moment before pressing play on a video and watching the footage of the Hulk's attack on the Army at Culver University.

"We're about forty minutes out from base, sir." The pilot says over the sound of the jet. Coulson stands up from his seat and walks over to Steve, barely containing his excitement.

"So, this Doctor Banner was trying to replicate the serum that was used on me?" Steve asks without looking up.

"A lot of people were. You were the world's first superhero. Banner thought gamma radiation might hold the key to unlocking Erskine's original formula." The Hulk roars with fury and the two men watch as he slams a jeep apart.

"Didn't really go his way, did it?"

"Not so much. When he's not that thing though, guy's like a Stephen Hawking." Steve looks up, confused. Cheshire chuckles from across the room and slightly turns her head to face the two of them.

"He's like a smart person Cap." Steve's eyes dart over to meet hers and he squirms at the sight of her smirk. Coulson glares discreetly at the woman before turning back towards Steve.

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